241 (number)

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240 241 242
Cardinal two hundred forty-one
Ordinal 241st
(two hundred forty-first)
Factorization prime
Prime twin prime
Greek numeral ΣΜΑ´
Roman numeral CCXLI
Binary 111100012
Ternary 222213
Senary 10416
Octal 3618
Duodecimal 18112
Hexadecimal F116

241 (two hundred [and] forty-one) is the natural number between 240 and 242. It is also a prime number.

241 is the larger of the twin primes (239, 241). Twin primes are pairs of primes separated by 2.

241 is a regular prime [1] and a lucky prime. [2]

Since 241 = 15 × 24 + 1, it is a Proth prime.

241 is a repdigit in base 15 (111).

241 is the only known Lucas–Wieferich prime to (U, V) = (3, −1).

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240 is the natural number following 239 and preceding 241.


  1. "Sloane's A007703 : Regular primes". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-28.
  2. "Sloane's A031157 : Numbers that are both lucky and prime". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-28.