Avoidance learning

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An avoidance response is a natural adaptive behavior performed in response to danger. Excessive avoidance has been suggested to contribute to anxiety disorders, leading psychologists and neuroscientists to study how avoidance behaviors are learned using rat or mouse models. [1] Avoidance learning is a type of operant conditioning (also known as instrumental conditioning).


Active avoidance, passive avoidance, and escape responses

An escape response occurs when an aversive stimulus is presented and the subject makes a response to remove or escape the stimulus. In the laboratory, this is usually represented by a rat given a small shock to its feet through a grid floor and shuttling through a small opening in its chamber which stops the shock. Such a response is considered active avoidance when it occurs prior to the stimulus presentation and prevents the stimulus from occurring. In contrast, passive avoidance is the prevention of an aversive stimulus by withholding a behavior, which is usually demonstrated by placing a rat in a chamber with a raised platform in which refraining from stepping off the platform prevents a foot shock. [1] To demonstrate an avoidance response requires repeated reinforcement through instrumental conditioning.

Avoidance learning in the laboratory

Signaled active avoidance

Signaled avoidance involves classical conditioning such that the aversive stimulus becomes an unconditioned stimulus (US) paired with a conditioned stimulus (CS), usually a tone or flash of light. First rats are conditioned to associate the CS with an inescapable US until presentation of the CS elicits a fear response. After that, rats are placed into avoidance chambers and presented with the CS for a short amount of time, during which they may shuttle through the opening, preventing the US from occurring, therefore presenting an avoidance response. [2]

Unsignaled avoidance

This format does not use Pavlovian learning to condition avoidance responses. In the same shuttle chamber, aversive stimuli are presented in regular time intervals (usually 5 seconds) without any neutral stimuli preceding them. These intervals are called shock-shock (S-S) intervals, but when an avoidance response is made by the rat, the next shock is delayed by a 30-second response-shock (R-S) interval. [3]

Pavlovian instrumental transfer

This form of conditioning combines Pavlovian learning with unsignaled avoidance conditioning in order to test whether rats are able to transfer their learned behavioral response to a previously inescapable conditioned stimulus. First rats undergo traditional Pavlovain fear learning in which they are not able to escape or avoid the US shock following the CS tone. After the training session the rats complete unsignaled avoidance learning (see above) for multiple days. As a test of Pavlovian instrumental transfer, rats are placed into the same shuttle chambers as for unsignaled avoidance training and presented with the tone CS they received during the Pavlovian conditioning. In this case they have the opportunity to avoid the incoming shock as long as they are able to connect that the CS precedes a shock in different contexts. [4] [5]

Neural circuits

The neural circuit responsible for expressing signaled avoidance behavior is the same that controls extinction of fear responses. The presentation of the aversive stimulus activates neurons in the central amygdala which project to the periaqueductal gray region to elicit a fear-motivated motor response. [6] [2] Cells in the infralimbic (IL) region of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) send inhibitory signals to the central amygdala to prevent the motor response. [7] In rats, the fear-motivated response is to freeze, so in both fear extinction and avoidance conditioning inhibition of the amygdala via the mPFC leads to more movement (shuttling) and less freezing. The basolateral region of the amygdala is implicated in extinction of fear behaviors and expression of avoidance behaviors; [2] [3] however, the central amygdala is necessary for Pavlovian instrumental transfer [4]

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Avoidance response

An avoidance response is a response that prevents an aversive stimulus from occurring. It is a kind of negative reinforcement. An avoidance response is a behavior based on the concept that animals will avoid performing behaviors that result in an aversive outcome. This can involve learning through operant conditioning when it is used as a training technique. It is a reaction to undesirable sensations or feedback that leads to avoiding the behavior that is followed by this unpleasant or fear-inducing stimulus.

Basolateral amygdala

The basolateral amygdala, or basolateral complex, consists of the lateral, basal and accessory-basal nuclei of the amygdala. The lateral nuclei receives the majority of sensory information, which arrives directly from the temporal lobe structures, including the hippocampus and primary auditory cortex. The basolateral amygdala also receives dense neuromodulatory inputs from ventral tegmental area (VTA), locus coeruleus (LC), and basal forebrain, whose integrity are important for associative learning. The information is then processed by the basolateral complex and is sent as output to the central nucleus of the amygdala. This is how most emotional arousal is formed in mammals.

Conditioned place preference

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Freezing behavior or the freeze response or to be petrified is a reaction to specific stimuli, most commonly observed in prey animals. When a prey animal has been caught and completely overcome by the predator, it may respond by "freezing up/petrification" or in other words by uncontrollably becoming rigid. Studies typically assess a conditioned freezing behavior response to stimuli that typically or innately do not cause fear, such as a tone or shock. Freezing behavior is most easily characterized by changes in blood pressure and lengths of time in crouching position, but it also is known to cause changes such as shortness of breath, increased heart rate, sweating, or choking sensation. However, since it is difficult to measure these sympathetic responses to fear stimuli, studies are typically confined to simple crouching times. A response to stimuli typically is said to be a "fight or flight", but is more completely described as "fight, flight, or freeze." In addition, freezing is observed to occur before or after a fight or flight response.

The term conditioned emotional response (CER) can refer to a specific learned behavior or a procedure commonly used in classical or Pavlovian conditioning research. It may also be called "conditioned suppression" or "conditioned fear response (CFR)." It is an "emotional response" that results from classical conditioning, usually from the association of a relatively neutral stimulus with a painful or fear-inducing unconditional stimulus. As a result, the formerly neutral stimulus elicits fear. For example, if seeing a dog is paired with the pain of being bitten by the dog, seeing a dog may become a conditioned stimulus that elicits fear.

Many experiments have been done to find out how the brain interprets stimuli and how animals develop fear responses. The emotion, fear, has been hard-wired into almost every individual, due to its vital role in the survival of the individual. Researchers have found that fear is established unconsciously and that the amygdala is involved with fear conditioning.

Animals have many different tactics for defending themselves, depending on the severity of the threat they are encountering. Stages of threat vary along a spectrum referred to as the "predatory imminence continuum", spanning from low-risk (pre-encounter) to high-risk (interaction) threats. The main assumption of the predatory imminence continuum is that as threat levels increase, defensive response strategies change. During the pre-encounter period, an animal may engage in activities like exploration or foraging. But if the animal senses that a predator is nearby, the animal may begin to express species specific defense reactions such as freezing in an attempt to avoid detection by the predator. However, in situations where a threat is imminent, once the animal is detected by its predator, freezing may no longer be the optimal behaviour for survival. At this point, the animal enters the circa-strike phase, where its behaviour will transition from passive freezing to active flight, or even attack if escape is not possible.

Daniela Schiller is a neuroscientist who leads the Affective Neuroscience Lab at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She is best known for her work on memory reconsolidation, and on modification of emotional learning and memory.

Stephen Maren

Stephen Andrew Maren is an American behavioral neuroscientist investigating the brain mechanisms of emotional memory, particularly the role context plays in the behavioral expression of fear. He has discovered brain circuits regulating context-dependent memory, including mapping functional connections between the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala that are involved in the expression and extinction of learned fear responses.

Pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT) is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a conditioned stimulus that has been associated with rewarding or aversive stimuli via classical conditioning alters motivational salience and operant behavior. Two distinct forms of Pavlovian-instrumental transfer have been identified in humans and other animals – specific PIT and general PIT – with unique neural substrates mediating each type. In relation to rewarding stimuli, specific PIT occurs when a CS is associated with a specific rewarding stimulus through classical conditioning and subsequent exposure to the CS enhances an operant response that is directed toward the same reward with which it was paired. General PIT occurs when a CS is paired with one reward and it enhances an operant response that is directed toward a different rewarding stimulus.

Catherine Hartley is an American psychologist and an Associate Professor of Psychology within the Department of Psychology and Center for Neural Science at New York University in New York City. Hartley's research explores how brain development impacts the evaluation of negative experiences, decision-making, and motivated behavior. Her work has helped to elucidate how uncontrollable aversive events affect fear learning and how learning to control aversive stimuli can improve emotional resilience.


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