Gnaeus Pompeius (consul 31 BC)

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Gnaeus Pompeius (Rufus) (died AD 14) was suffect consul in 31 BC, during the transitional period when Octavian, the future Augustus, was consolidating his powers as princeps .

A member of the plebeian gens Pompeia , he may have been one of the Pompeii Rufi, the son of Quintus Pompeius Rufus, and therefore the great-grandson of the dictator Sulla. [1]

A senator, Gnaeus Pompeius was appointed suffect consul to replace Marcus Titius, and he held the office from October 1 through to December 31, 31 BC. [2] Gnaeus Pompeius was also one of the Quindecimviri sacris faciundis , a priestly college, to which he belonged until his death in AD 14. [3]


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  1. Broughton III, pg. 160; Syme, pg. 279
  2. Broughton II, pg. 420
  3. Rogers, Robert Samuel, Studies in the reign of Tiberius: some imperial virtues of Tiberius and Drusus Julius Caesar (1943), pg. 102
Political offices
Preceded by

as suffect
Roman consul
31 BC (suffect)
with Augustus III
Succeeded by