Inherent bad faith model

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The inherent bad faith model of information processing is a theory in political psychology that was first put forth by Ole Holsti to explain the relationship between John Foster Dulles's beliefs and model of information processing. [1]

It is the most widely studied model of one's opponent. [2] A state is presumed to be implacably hostile, and contra-indicators of that are dismissed as propaganda ploys or signs of weakness or otherwise ignored. Examples are Dulles's position on the Soviet Union and Israel's initial position on the Palestinian Liberation Organization. [2]

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  1. Stuart, Douglas; Starr, Harvey (1981). "The "Inherent Bad Faith Model" Reconsidered: Dulles, Kennedy, and Kissinger". Political Psychology. 3 (3/4): 1–33. doi:10.2307/3791139. JSTOR   3791139.
  2. 1 2 Gilbert, Daniel (1998). The Handbook of Social Psychology. McGraw-Hill. ISBN   9780195213768. ...the most widely studied is the inherent bad faith model of one's opponent...