List of war films and TV specials set between 3050 BC and AD 476

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War depictions in film and television include documentaries, TV mini-series, and drama serials depicting aspects of historical wars, the films included here are films set in the Ancient world starting with Ancient Egypt and lasting until the fall of Western Roman Empire in about AD 476.


Note: All wars are BC unless other wise noted.

War of Ancient Egypt (3050 BC –332 BC)

War of Ancient Israel (1600–400 BC)

Trojan War (1193–1183 BC)

Wars of Ancient China (771 BC–280 AD)

Spring and Autumn period (771-476 BC)

Warring States period (476–221 BC)

Chu–Han Contention (206–202 BC)

Han–Xiongnu War (133 BC–89 AD)

Wars of the Three Kingdoms (220–280 AD)

Scythian campaign of Cyrus The Great (530 BC)

Greco-Persian Wars (499–450 BC)

Wars of Alexander the Great (338–325 BC)

Wars of the Diadochi (322–275 BC)

Asoka the Great's conquests (ca. 304–232 BC)

Wars of the Roman Kingdom/Republic/Empire

Punic Wars (264–146 BC)

Servile Wars (135–75 BC)

Roman civil wars during the Late Republic (133–31 BC)

Roman campaigns in Germania (12 BC - AD 16) (12 BC – 16 AD)

Jewish–Roman wars (63 BC – 135 AD)

Gallic Wars (58–50 BC)

War of Roman Britain (43–410)

Dacian Wars (86–106)

Marcomannic Wars (167–180)

Roman civil wars during the Late Empire (306–398)

War with the Huns (395–453)

Fall of the Western Roman Empire (455–476)

Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain (410–600)

See also

List of war films and TV specials

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  1. "Mulan: Rise of a Warrior (2013) - | Synopsis, Characteristics, Moods, Themes and Related | AllMovie".