Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm

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The Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, also known as M.O.V.P.E.R. or The Grotto, is an appendant body in Freemasonry [1] founded in 1889 by LeRoy Fairchild and members of Hamilton Lodge #120, located in Hamilton, New York.



During a meeting on September 10, 1889, the members of Hamilton Lodge #120 decided to name themselves the “Fairchild Deviltry Committee” and limit membership to Master Masons in good standing [2] . As interest grew, similar groups were formed elsewhere leading to the formal establishment of the Supreme Council, also known as the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (M.O.V.P.E.R.), on June 13, 1890. [2] Its stated goal was "to add in greater measure to the Masonic fraternal spirit, to add to the charm of radiant cheerfulness, and to maintain within the fraternity an impetus of royal good fellowship and study the Blue Lodge degrees." The group is intended to encourage renewed interest in the Blue Lodges without claiming affiliation with the Symbolic Craft Masonry. [3] [4]

The first "Grand Monarch" and one of the founders of the order was Thomas Lemuel James, ex-Postmaster General of the United States. Other founders included professors Oren Root, Joseph Frank McGregory, and naval officer William Colgate Eaton. [5] George Beal, with the assistance of Rudolph R. Riddell, was the author of the original ritual of the order, which was later revised by Riddell. [6]

Following its formation, the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm operated without an official emblem for several years. Eventually, the Order was permitted to wear an emblem that set them apart from others. It had the form of a black fez head covering adorned with a Mokanna head in the center featuring the name of the Grotto. [2]

From 1902 onward, the Supreme Council would transfer power to elected officers every year.

The minutes of the February 26, 1903, meeting of Azim Grotto, Bronx, New York, states:

Prophet Charles E. Lansing, Past Potent Monarch, after some preliminary remarks, descriptive thereto, presented to those present, a drawing in color of a headgear appropriate for the Order. The same was received with favor and by motion, regularly made and seconded and carried, it was unanimously decided to adopt and wear them on serious and other appropriate occasions. [7] [8] [9]

In the minutes of October 29, 1903, it is recorded: “The Potent Monarch reported that the Fez worn by our members was, at the Annual Session of the Supreme Council held at Hamilton, New York on October 20, adopted as the official headgear for all Prophets of the Realm.” [10]

The Chelminar Grotto, situated in Yakima, Washington, was established in 1921 and continues to be operational to this day. The Zafar Grotto, located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, stands as one of the largest Grottoes in the nation with over 350 members. While many Grottoes intentionally maintain a smaller membership to foster a sense of close-knit fellowship, this selective approach occasionally draws criticism for perceived elitism from other Masons. [11] [3]

The Veiled Prophet

Commodore W.C. Eaton expressed that the M.O.V.P.E.R order should be the most secret of secret orders, which resulted in the Mokanna emblem being adopted to represent the veil of secrecy. [12]

The choice of emblem and ritual of the Grotto is based on an 1817 poem by Thomas Moore, titled "Lalla Rookh." The novella features the eponymous Lalla Rookh, who embarks on a journey to wed a distant prince she has never met and meets a traveling storyteller who tells the princess several stories. In the novella, the story of the "Veiled Prophet of Khorasan" is told. [13]

Exploration of the historical narrative surrounding the Grotto organization necessitates a comprehensive understanding of its emblematic figure, Mokanna, and its historical counterpart. Their emblem is based on an enigmatic figure of the 8th century known as Al-Muqanna, whose epithet translates from Arabic as "the Veiled One." Al-Muqanna's espoused the radical teachings of Abu Muslim of Khorasan. Following Abu Muslim's demise, Al-Muqanna established a religious sect based on the notion that Abu was a reincarnation of the Divine, and upon his passing, this divine mantle was passed on to Al-Muqanna. This earned Al-Muqanna the antipathy of more conventional religious adherents. [14]

The contemporary ritual of the Grotto organization loosely draws inspiration from Moore's narrative but with distinct Masonic embellishments along the way. It is imperative to acknowledge that each Grotto branch may impart its own unique interpretation of the story. [15]

Artistic depiction of Mokanna, the Veiled Prophet The Veiled one.png
Artistic depiction of Mokanna, the Veiled Prophet


M.O.V.P.E.R. is guided by a philosophy that is deeply rooted in the concept of "Good Fellowship", a principle that mirrors the essence of the Golden Rule.[ citation needed ]

"Good Fellowship" represents a spirit of camaraderie, unity, and shared joy, as well as the core tenements of the Golden Rule.[ citation needed ]

Although The Grotto is commonly perceived as a path characterized by joy, amusement, and playfulness, its members also acknowledge a profound and earnest theme underlying this facade of merriment. This theme is not merely an abstract notion, but rather a concrete philosophy that influences the behaviors and perspectives of those involved. Members of The Grotto are urged to embrace this philosophy, which serves as a beacon illuminating their path, guiding them to discover delight in collective moments, extend kindness and courtesy to others, and actively participate in the journey of life optimistically. [16]

A Grotto Fez design from the Las Vegas Grotto Sin-A-Tra, distinguishable with its black fez and red tassel. Sin-a-tra.png
A Grotto Fez design from the Las Vegas Grotto Sin-A-Tra, distinguishable with its black fez and red tassel.


Members are distinguished by a black fez with a red tassel, sometimes with a Mokanna head in the middle. [17] A Monarch (President of a single grotto) wears a black fez with a purple tassel, while a Grand Monarch (President of the Order) wears a black fez with a yellow tassel. All other Grand Officers wear a black fez with a white tassel. [18] [19]

Female auxiliaries

Daughters of Mokanna


The Daughters of Mokanna, a fraternal organization for ladies, was founded in 1919. [20] Four original subordinate Daughters of Mokanna opened chapters "Amoo" in Rock Island, IL; "Mohassan" in Davenport, IA; "Ankara" in Kansas City, MO; and "Zal" in Moline, IL. Together, these four subordinate chapters formed the Supreme Daughters of Mokanna. [21]

The aim of the Daughters of Mokanna is to bring the families of Grotto members into closer relationship, and to promote Sociability, Friendship, Charity, Education and Patriotism, along with providing support to the Grottoes International. Their major humanitarian work is supporting the Enchanted Lantern program through the Supreme Council M.O.V.P.E.R. Humanitarian Foundation. [21]


To be eligible for membership, candidates must be either:

  • The wife, widow or adult female relative of a Veiled Prophet (Grotto member can also be invited).
  • Related to a Master Mason in good standing.
  • Be a member in good standing in an organization recognized by the Masonic Lodge (i.e., Eastern Star, Amaranth, etc.).

Creation of new caldrons

According to their regulations, only a single caldron can be established within a city limit, with its jurisdiction aligning with that of the corresponding Grotto. The initiation of a new caldron requires a petition for dispensation, which must be endorsed by a minimum of 25 women. These women must be at least 18 years old and have a familial connection to a Veiled Prophet of the Enchanted Realm.[ citation needed ]

Once established, a caldron operates autonomously, managing its own affairs and finances. It has the authority to draft its own bylaws and governs itself in compliance with the constitution of the Supreme Caldron.[ citation needed ]


Different fezzes are worn to signify various ranks or roles within the organization:

  • The Regulation Fez is blue, and adorned with red tassel and lettering. This is the standard fez worn by members of the order.
  • The Mighty Chosen One, a distinguished position within the order, wears a red fez with a gold tassel to signify their status.
  • A Past Mighty Chosen One, someone who has previously held the position of the Mighty Chosen One, wears a white fez with a purple tassel and lettering.

Mysterious Order Witches of Salem (M.O.W.O.S.)


This group is by invitation only. To be invited, one must be:

  • The wife, partner, widow, a female relative, or a female friend of a member of a Veiled Prophet (Grotto member can also be invited).
  • Invited by an existing witch (member), or part of the formation of a new cauldron by Grotto Members.
  • At least 21 years old.


During the early 20th century, a period marked by rapid industrialization and urbanization and characterized by feelings of displacement and uncertainty about the future, the M.O.W.O.S. offered its members a sense of community and belonging. The group's name is a reference to the Salem witch trials, and attempts to reclaim the image of the witch, transforming it into a symbol of female empowerment and strong sisterhood.[ citation needed ]


Sometime prior to 1917, the Mysterious Order Witches of Salem was founded as a female auxiliary to the Grotto. The first “Caldron,” the term used for a local chapter of the Order, was founded in Chicago, IL, and was known as Aryan Caldron No. 1. [22]

On January 15, 1918, Amoo Caldron No. 2 was constituted in Rock Island, IL. In 1918, the Supreme Caldron was formed, consisting of Aryan No. 1 and Amoo No. 2, with officers coming from both groups. Later, Koom Caldron No. 3 was opened in Rockford, IL. [23]

Around Wednesday, March 5, 1919, Amoo Caldron No. 2 seceded from the “Supreme Caldron,” which was mostly being operated out of Chicago. The ladies in Rock Island promptly declared themselves the new Supreme Caldron, and Amoo Caldron became No. 1. On November 18, 1920, Mrs. Vashti H. Bollman, acting Supreme Enchantress of the "new" Supreme Caldron, notes that Mrs. Josephine Mace, Mysterious Enchantress of Amoo No. 2, withdrew Amoo from the parent organization in Chicago. It is reported that she was brought up on fraternal charges, to which she pleaded guilty, surrendering the charter of Amoo No. 2 in the process. However, she refused to give up the name “Amoo Caldron” and used it to “usurp the name Supreme Caldron from the parent organization.” [24] The Amoo group began opening new caldrons, getting up to at least five with the institution of Hapac Caldron No. 5 in 1920. [25]

The Daughters of Mokanna formed in 1919 in Rock Island, Illinois. [26] This coincides with the secession of Amoo from Chicago and the founding of their own Supreme Caldron. They go on to describe how the ritual was decided upon and list the first four Daughters of Mokanna Caldrons: Amoo No. 1, Mohassan No. 2, Ankara, No. 3, and Zal No. 4. This would lead one to believe that Hapac was No. 5, as listed in the newspaper accounts. However, no account is given as to what happened to Koom Caldron No. 3, except that it shows up as participating in the Daughters of Mokanna national Convention in 1922. [27]

Like its male counterpart, the group is involved in fun and fellowship, as well as charitable activities directed toward cerebral palsy and dentistry for the handicapped. The current number of Witches (members) is unknown as the group is very discreet. The M.O.W.O.S. is also known for its elaborate costumes and rituals, but because of grand secrecy, the rituals are safely guarded and no written copies are made available online or on paper. [28]

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  1. Alan Axelrod International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders New York; Facts on File, inc 1997 p.110
  2. 1 2 3 "Grotto and Related". The Museum of Fezology. August 1, 2011.
  3. 1 2 "The Grotto".
  4. "The official site of Grottoes International".
  5. Stevens, Albert Clark (1899). The cyclopædia of fraternities; a compilation of existing authentic information and the results of original investigation as to more than six hundred secret societies in the United States. New York city, Paterson, N.J., Hamilton printing and publishing company. p. 97. Retrieved 1 May 2024.
  6. Mackey, Albert Gallatin (1929). Encyclopaedia of freemasonry and its kindred sciences. Chicago, Illinois : Masonic History Company. pp. 426–427. Retrieved 2 May 2024.
  7. Axelrod p.110
  9. "Frequently Asked Questions".
  10. Hutchinson, Kenneth (December 2011). History of the Grottoes of North America, MOVPER. The Grottoes of North America. The Grottoes of North America.
  11. "Grotto History, M.O.V.P.E.R. – OHIO GROTTO".
  12. Mackey, Albert Gallatin (1921). History of Freemasonry. Masonic History Company.
  13. Moore, T. (1890). Lalla Rookh: an Oriental romance. New York: Frederick A. Stokes company.
  14. "The Veiled Prophet Mokanna and Zelica, from the Tale of Lalla Rookh, by Thomas Moore".
  15. Book: A Drama, in Three Acts, entitled Mokanna; or, the Veiled Prophet of Khorassan. With chorusses and song. COOPER, William.
  16. "Who, What, When, Why".
  18. "What is the Grotto?". Sahara Grotto MOVPER.
  19. "Grand Line Officers & Staff | Grottoes Intl".
  20. Mokanna, Daughters of. "Daughters of Mokanna". Daughters of Mokanna.
  21. 1 2 Mokanna, Daughters of. "Daughters of Mokanna". Daughters of Mokanna.
  22. Rock Island Argus., March 06, 1919,
  23. Rock Island Argus., April 03, 1919,
  24. The Rock Island Argus and daily union., November 18, 1920,
  25. The Rock Island Argus and daily union., October 12, 1920,
  26. "Untitled Document". Archived from the original on 2018-06-09. Retrieved 2016-12-15.
  27. The Rock Island Argus and daily union., June 26, 1922,
  28. Bungert, Heike; Heitmann, Jan G.; Wala, Michael, eds. (2003-05-01). Secret Intelligence in the Twentieth Century. doi:10.4324/9780203498859. ISBN   9780429233678.