Pasta con i peperoni cruschi

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Pasta con i peperoni cruschi
Pasta peperoni cruschi.jpg
Strascinati pasta with peperoni cruschi and breadcrumbs
Course Primo (Italian pasta course)
Place of origin Italy
Region or state Basilicata
Main ingredients Pasta, peperone crusco , breadcrumbs

Pasta con i peperoni cruschi is a pasta dish flavored with peppers and typical of the Basilicata region of Italy.



The main ingredient is peperone crusco , a dried and crunchy pepper known for its sweet flavour and intense colour, which is a popular element in the local cuisine. [1] Usually the Senise pepper variety is used, for its thin pulp and low water content which allows a rapid drying. [2]

It is served with homemade pasta such as cavatelli , strascinati or ferretti (also known as frizzuli). [3]


The peppers are cleaned with a dry cloth, deprived of the stalk and the seeds to be subsequently flash-fried in hot olive oil, flavoured with a garlic clove which is removed before the cooking. The frying takes just a few seconds, and they must be immediately extracted to avoid burns that compromise the flavour, giving an unpleasant taste. [4]

Frizzuli pasta with peperoni cruschi, breadcrumbs and cacioricotta cheese Frizzuli con peperoni cruschi.jpg
Frizzuli pasta with peperoni cruschi , breadcrumbs and cacioricotta cheese

The breadcrumbs are browned in the same oil. When the pasta is cooked, the ingredients are mixed, and finally seasoned with some peppers. Optionally, cheeses such as pecorino or cacioricotta , and parsley can be added.[ citation needed ]

See also

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  1. "Cavatelli pasta with peperoni cruschi (Senise peppers)". 25 September 2017. Retrieved 19 September 2020.
  2. "Senise Pepper". Retrieved 17 September 2020.
  3. "Strascinati con mollica e peperoni cruschi". Retrieved 17 September 2020.
  4. "Come si friggono e si preparano i peperoni cruschi". (in Italian). 19 February 2018. Retrieved 9 August 2020.