Peter B. Moyle

Last updated
  1. Moyle, Peter. "Peter B. Moyle". Center for Watershed Sciences. University of California, Davis.
  2. Rypel (December 2021). "Goodbye to "Rough Fish": Paradigm Shift in the Conservation of Native Fishes". Fisheries. 46 (12): 605–616. doi: 10.1002/fsh.10660 .
  3. "Fish Collection". Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology. University of California, Davis.

Contributions from Peter Moyle, with additional contributions by Joe Cech and Ron Yoshiyama, Professors Emeritus of Fish Biology, UC Davis.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Peter B. Moyle

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Peter B. Moyle, (2009)
Occupation(s)Zoologist; Distinguished Professor of Fish Biology, Emeritus; Associate Director, Center for Watershed Science, University of California-Davis
Known forEducator-lead author of a widely used text in fish biology (5 editions) and author of Inland Fishes of California, the standard reference work on CA fishes. Research team leader – developed quantitative methods to evaluate status, distribution, and ecology of native and non-native fishes of California; quantified potential impacts of climate change on each species
Academic background
Education1964 University of Minnesota, B.A., Zoology; 1966 Cornell University, M.S., Conservation; 1969 University of Minnesota, PhD, Zoology
Alma mater University of Minnesota

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