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A shared church (German : Simultankirche), simultaneum mixtum, a term first coined in 16th-century Germany, is a church in which public worship is conducted by adherents of two or more religious groups. Such churches became common in the German-speaking lands of Europe in the wake of the Protestant Reformation. [1] The different Christian denominations (such as Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, or United, etc.), share the same church building, although they worship at different times and with different clergy. It is thus a form of religious toleration. [1]


Simultaneum as a policy was particularly attractive to rulers who ruled over populations which contained considerable numbers of both Catholics and Protestants. It was often the opposite of cuius regio, eius religio and used in situations where a ruler was of a different religion than the majority of the people, and not strong enough to impose his religion on the population. [1]

During the Nine Years' War (1688–1697), Louis XIV of France occupied the Electorate of the Palatinate, a Protestant region situated mainly in the western part of what is today Germany, where he introduced the simultaneum. At the end of the war the region returned to Protestant control, but a last-minute addition to the Treaty of Ryswick provided for a continuation of the simultaneum. Although intended to apply only to the Palatinate, the simultaneum was subsequently also applied in portions of Protestant Alsace (a region ruled by France, but where the Edict of Fontainebleau was not enforced).


Following the compromise between the Reformed Aniconism and Lutheran Adiaphora in Ringstedt's Reformed-Lutheran simultaneum of St. Fabian there is a Lutheran altar, but it shows no crucifix, but only candles. Ringstedt Kirche Altar.jpg
Following the compromise between the Reformed Aniconism and Lutheran Adiaphora in Ringstedt's Reformed-Lutheran simultaneum of St. Fabian there is a Lutheran altar, but it shows no crucifix, but only candles.
Map of all simultaneum churches in Germany Karte Simultankirchen Deutschland.jpg
Map of all simultaneum churches in Germany
Lutheran and Catholic altars in St. M. Kozal church in Gniezno, Poland Prezbiteria kosciol bl. M. Kozala Gniezno.jpg
Lutheran and Catholic altars in St. M. Kozal church in Gniezno, Poland
Triple in New York. A United Methodist church, now shared by Jewish, and Presbyterian congregations. West-Park Presbyt triple banner jeh.JPG
Triple in New York. A United Methodist church, now shared by Jewish, and Presbyterian congregations.





United Kingdom

United States

Holy Land church-sharing

The main traditional pilgrim churches of Jerusalem and Bethlehem are shared between several denominations. The regulatory work is known as the "Status quo", a type of church-sharing which is in no way related to the West European Protestant-Catholic sharing system described here (the "simultaneum").[ citation needed ][ who? ]

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 Religious Conflict and the Practice of Toleration in Early Modern Europe, Harvard University Press, 2007, Chapter 8, pp. 198. ff.
  2. Simultaneum in Boos (Nahe) [ permanent dead link ]
  3. Boos (Nahe), photos of the simultaneum
  4. "St Nicholas' Church Arundel - a brief history" (undated, apparently published by the Vicar and Churchwardens)
  5. "Unique "shared" church to close next month". 21 October 2022.
  6. "Two Altars, One Mass: Catholics and Episcopalians worship together in a unique church". TIME . Vol. 117. 1981. p. 20.
  7. "The Union Church: A Case of Lutheran and Reformed Cooperation".