Stagnicola (fungus)

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Scientific classification

Redhead & A.H.Sm. (1986)
Type species
Stagnicola perplexa
(P.D.Orton) Redhead & A.H.Sm. (1986)
  • Phaeocollybia perplexaP.D.Orton (1977)
  • Naucoria cidaris var. minor (Fr.) Sacc. (1887)
  • Simocybe parvisporaBandala, Esteve-Rav. & Montoya (2008)

Stagnicola is an agaric fungal genus that contains the single species Stagnicola perplexa. This fungus colonizes plant debris in wet coniferous forest floor depressions and shallow pools, and fruits after the pools drain or dry in late summer to early fall in North America (Canada, USA) and Europe. The genus is characterized by smooth, yellowish brown basidiospores lacking a germ pore, and a naucorioid appearance, with brownish mycelium at the base of the stems. [1] Phylogenetically, Stagnicola appeared rather isolated [2] and proved to be closest to Mythicomyces [3] and Mythicomyces was closest to the Psathyrellaceae. [4] In 2019 the two genera were shown to be closely related and placed in a new family, Mythicomycetaceae sister to the Psathyrellaceae. [5]


Stagnicola perplexa is considered to be a rare fungus and is on list of rare mushrooms in the Pacific Northwest of the USA [6] and in Europe.


The name Stagnicola refers to colonizing (-cola) of its habitat, stagnant pools. Unfortunately, when the authors coined the name, they were unaware of a genus of snails with the same name, Stagnicola . The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature is independent of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, and therefore both the snail and mushroom generic names are valid and available.[ citation needed ]

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Romagnesiella is an agaric fungal genus that colonizes mineral, calcareous or sandy soils in Europe and North Africa. The small brownish fruitbodies have narrowly attached, broad and distant lamellae and poorly differentiated cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia. Spores are thick-walled, brown, smooth, and lack germ pore. The cap surface (pileipellis) is somewhat cellular with irregular puzzle-like to pyriform hyphae. Clamp connections are present in the hyphae. It is most closely related to Crassisporium, both genera being close to the Strophariaceae or the Cortinariaceae.

<i>Saproamanita</i> Genus of fungi

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  1. Redhead SA, Smith AH (1986). "Two new genera of agarics based on Psilocybe corneipes and Phaeocollybia perplexa". Canadian Journal of Botany. 64 (3): 643–47. doi:10.1139/b86-082.
  2. Gulden GØ, Stensrud K, Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Kauserud H (2005). "Galerina Earle: A polyphyletic genus in the consortium of dark-spored agarics" (PDF). Mycologia. 97 (4): 823–837. doi:10.3852/mycologia.97.4.823. PMID   16457352.
  3. Moncalvo JM, Vilgalys R, Redhead SA, Johnson JE, James TY, Catherine Aime M, Hofstetter V, Verduin SJ, Larsson E, Baroni TJ, Greg Thorn R, Jacobsson S, Clémençon H, Miller OK (2002). "One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 23 (3): 357–400. doi:10.1016/S1055-7903(02)00027-1. PMID   12099793.
  4. Padamsee M, Matheny PB, Dentinger BTM, McLaughlin DJ (2008). "The mushroom family Psathyrellaceae: Evidence for large-scale polyphyly of the genus Psathyrella". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 46 (2): 415–429. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.11.004. PMID   18248744.
  5. Vizzini A, Consiglio G, Marchett M (2019). "Mythicomycetaceae fam. nov. (Agaricineae, Agaricales) for accommodating the genera Mythicomyces and Stagnicola, and Simocybe parvispora reconsidered". Fungal Systematics and Evolution. 3: 41–56. doi:10.3114/fuse.2019.03.05. PMC   7235982 . PMID   32467883.
  6. Castellano MA, Cázares E, Fondrick B, Dreisbachulden T (2003). "Handbook to Additional Fungal Species of Special Concern in the Northwest Forest Plan" (PDF). United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-572.