Telephone numbers in Nicaragua

Last updated

Country Code: +505
International Call Prefix: 00

National Significant Number (NSN): eight digits.

Format: +50581459150 XXXX XXXX

The Republic of Nicaragua has a closed numbering plan of eight digits.

The change from seven to eight digits occurred in 2009, by adding [1]

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This is a list of dialing codes in Greece. The first digit represents the type of service. 1 is used for short codes, 2 for geographical numbers, 5 is used for inter-network routing purposes and VPNs, 6 for mobile services, 7 is reserved for universal access numbers, 8 for reduced-fee services, 9 is used for premium rate services. All dialable numbers are ten digits, except for short codes, 807-XXXX used for calling card access codes, and numbers in the 5 range, used for routing purposes and not dialable by end-subscribers.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom</span>

Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom are administered by the Office of Communications (Ofcom). For this purpose, Ofcom established a telephone numbering plan, known as the National Telephone Numbering Plan, which is the system for assigning telephone numbers to subscriber stations.

In Argentina, area codes are two, three, or four digits long. Local customer numbers are six to eight figures long. The total number of digits is ten, for example, phone number (11) 1234-5678 for Buenos Aires is made up of a 2-digit area code number and an 8-digit subscriber's number, while (383) 123-4567 would be an example of a Catamarca number.

Telephone numbers in Hong Kong

Telephone numbers in Hong Kong are mostly eight-digit. Fixed land line numbers start with 2 or 3, mobile (cellular) phone numbers with 5, 6, 7 or 9, pager numbers with 7 and forwarding service with 8. Since the end of 1989, there have been no area codes within Hong Kong.

Telephone numbers in Singapore

Telephone numbers in Singapore, also known as the National Numbering Plan, are regulated by the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA). Due to the small geographical size of Singapore, there are no area or trunk codes; all numbers belong to one numbering area, and thus come in the same 8-digit format. Numbers are categorised based on the first digit, thus providing ten possible categories, of which six are currently in use and the remaining four reserved for future usage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Telephone numbers in Malaysia</span>

Telephone numbers in Malaysia are regulated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Telephone numbers in Tanzania</span> Tanzania telephone calling codes

Until 1999, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda shared a telephone numbering plan, in which subscribers were only required to dial the trunk code, area code and number. In that year, Tanzania adopted a new numbering plan. Calls to Kenya and Uganda require a regional prefix rather than having to use full international dialling. To call Kenya from Tanzania, subscribers dial 005 instead of +254, while to call Uganda, they dial 006 rather instead of +256. To call Tanzania from Kenya and Uganda, subscribers dial 007 instead of +255.

The following are telephone codes in Cape Verde.

The national conventions for writing telephone numbers vary by country. While international standards exist in the form of the International Telecommunication Union sector ITU-T issued recommendation E.123, national telephone numbering plans define the format and length of telephone numbers assigned to telephones.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Telephone numbers in Panama</span>

All telephone numbers in Panama are seven or eight digits long and there are no area codes. All numbers that both begin with 6 and have 8 digits are mobile numbers. All landline numbers have 7 digits. The first digit of landline numbers may be used to vaguely identify the location of the caller. Mobile phones were also assigned 7 digit numbers until 2005, when they were moved to their own number space with 8 digits. Mobile numbers are recycled if the user is marked as inactive by the mobile service provider, and landline numbers are also recycled if a user cancels their landline phone service.

Telephone numbers in Fiji

Country Code: +679; International Call Prefix: 00 or 052; National Significant Numbers (NSN): seven-digits; Format: +679 yyy xxxx

The following are the telephone codes in the Central African Republic.

Country Code: +240
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix:

Telephone numbers in Bhutan

Typical format for telephone numbers in Bhutan are: +975 17 641445 (mobile) and +975 17 641445.

Telephone numbers in Tajikistan

National Significant Numbers (NSN): four to nine digits.

The Belize telephone numbering plan is the system used for assigning telephone numbers in Belize.

Country Code: +503
International Call Prefix: 00

Country Code: +504
International Call Prefix: 00

Country Code: +509
International Call Prefix: 00

Telephone numbers in Suriname are administered by the Surinamese government. Since 2017 the responsibility is at the ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication and in the period of 1991 to 2017 of the ministry of Transport, Communication and Tourism. The International dialling code is +597. Suriname uses a number plan introduced in 2008.


  1. "Nicaragua". Retrieved 2021-03-13.