Constantian Society

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The Constantian Society was a political group in the United States devoted to promoting the system of constitutional monarchy as a superior form of government. It was founded in 1970. The official publication of the Constantian Society was The Constantian; Journal of the Constantian Society. [1] Randall J. Dicks (1951 1999) was the founder of the society. [2]

As a Georgetown University student, Dicks was chosen to ask a question of President Richard Nixon, and in commenting to reporters on the President's reply said that "monarchy was the superior form of government." Nixon's aides had been unaware of Dicks' political beliefs. [3]

In 1989, the society participated in a Mass for the repose of the souls of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and other victims of the French Revolution. [4]

With the founder's death, its activities ceased.

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  1. "Constantian Society - Newsletter About Monarchy". Morning Edition via NPR Transcripts. January 9, 1991. Retrieved 2008-07-18.
  2. Ferrick, Thomas Jr. (July 18, 1983). "Less Than Regally, Monarchists Convene". The Philadelphia Inquirer. p. A01. Retrieved 2008-07-18.
  3. Perlstein, Rick (2008). Nixonland: the rise of a president and the fracturing of America. Simon and Schuster. p. 428. ISBN   978-0-7432-4302-5.
  4. Steinfels, Peter (July 17, 1989). "Let Louis XVI Rest in Peace; A Funeral Mass in Manhattan". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-07-18.