Food security in Tanzania

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The state of food security is a heavily scrutinized issue in the United Republic of Tanzania. Agriculture accounts for almost one-third of the nation's GDP (Gross Domestic Product). [1] It is an aspect of Tanzania that although obstructed by many internal and external factors, is continually worked on by outside forces and the nation itself.


There are several contributors to food security, including economic growth, agricultural policy, environmental changes, climate change and governance. [2] Furthermore, food security – or lack of it – can have lasting repercussions on a population.

On a global scale, Tanzania is lagging behind in terms of food security. According to the Proteus Global Food Security Index – data collected by the World Food Programme – Tanzania has an index of 0.564 on an index scale of 0.08 to 0.775, where the higher end of the spectrum signals food insecurity, Tanzania measures 0.564 and ranks 162nd out of 185 countries included. [3] Another report by the World Food Programme found that 7 out of 20 monitored Tanzanian markets reached crisis level in Q4-2019 according to ALPS (Alert for Price Spikes) calculation. [4] To further contextualize the parameters used to assess these Tanzanian markets and their deficiencies, the ALPS Indicator "monitors the extent to which local markets experience unusually high food prices by comparing the level of monthly food prices against their estimated seasonal trend and categorizing them as normal, stress, alert or crisis." [4]


Tanzania is burdened with a long list of structural issues stunting its capabilities in the food security arena. A lack of financial and operational means – limited access to capital, underdeveloped business skills, low levels of capacity – coupled with a weak infrastructure lead to an absence of incentives when it comes to further developing their agriculture sector. [1]

Natural Obstacles

Some of the factors affecting Tanzania's food security aren't easily controllable variables.

As recently as February 2020, locusts are devastating Tanzanian and other East-African crops, threatening the region's ability to maintain agricultural production levels and consequently, food security . A Time article reporting on the issue emphasizes how big of a problem this product of nature can be:

The swarms are extremely large, in North-Eastern Kenya, one swarm was measured to be 37 miles long and 25 miles wide. The UN says that desert locusts are the most dangerous migratory pests because of their capacity to decimate crops, threatening food security and livelihoods. Swarms, which can contain 40-80 million locust adults, can consume crops in one day that would provide food for 35,000 people. [5]

The inevitable adverse affects these insects will have on such a large component of the nation's economic stability make finding a solution all the more necessary.

Model of current Tanzania climate Koppen-Geiger Map TZA present.svg
Model of current Tanzania climate

Climate Change

As a direct result of being so heavily reliant on rain-fed agriculture as a steady source of GDP inflow and food security, a low-income nation such as Tanzania is extremely susceptible to the agricultural effects of climate change.

According to a 2012 World Bank Group research paper, in a DRY scenario, climate-change affected Tanzania's agricultural production is more than 10% lower compared to a control of no-climate-change Tanzania due to increases in temperature and shift in rainfall patterns by the mid-century (2041–2050). [6] Out of the four scenarios outlined in the study (wet, dry, cool, and hot) three of them affected food security unfavorably, pointing to the likelihood of climate change's negative impact. [6]

The risks of drought and the unpredictable nature of climate change and its affects on the weather/environment threaten the future growth of Tanzania and its large base of subsistence farmers.


While there may be many obstacles between Tanzania and full food security, the nation continues to find ways to move forward. According to USAID, more than 190,000 hectares of Tanzania's land have made moves toward improved practice in terms of agriculture and technology. [1] Furthermore, overall productivity of rice per acre has actually doubled because of the collaboration of Tanzania and USAID in their concerted effort to promote sustainable agriculture and a greater focus on nutrition – otherwise known as the Sustainable Development Goal. [1] Another collaborative campaign for food security Tanzania is participating in is the four-year Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise Program (ENGINE). Implemented by the International Executive Service Corps (IESC), the program helps expedite the assessment and subsequent improvement of regulatory, informational, and financial channels that assist business growth and investment of some of Tanzania's agricultural regions (Mbeya, Morogoro, and Iringa, and Zanzibar). [7]

Affects on Population

Tanzania's youth are especially susceptible to malnourishment Kiduku dance at morogoro Tanzania by Rasheedhrasheed.jpg
Tanzania's youth are especially susceptible to malnourishment

Physical Impacts

The food insecurity prevalent across the nation has rippling effects on the population. Tanzania has had an ongoing issue of undernourished citizens. According to an Brookings Tanzania case study, a sizable segment of rural Tanzania suffer malnourishment – approximately 39.3 percent. [8] The World Bank surmises the same, where 34% of Tanzanian report not being able to achieve energy requirements. [9] A large part of this can be attributed between the discrepancy between the food production on the nation level and the food received on the individual level. Accessibility to food isn't the same for every Tanzanian, leading to the fact that 34 percent of the population can't meet daily caloric requirements. [8] Another main contributor to these inadequacies is a lack of nutritional diversity in food produced and eaten. According to an Acta Tropica journal study, both rural and urban Tanzanians heavily rely on carbohydrates – maize, rice, cassava, ugali – as their main source of food. Carbohydrates, while a good source of energy, fail to cover all the nutritional bases necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle. This very fact is evident in 2016 data collected by the ERH (Ending Rural Hunger): "result, high rates of malnutrition are observed, especially among children under five, leading the country to have above-average malnutrition rates compared to other countries in the region... 58 percent and 45 percent of children and women respectively are anemic." [8]

Mental Impacts

In terms of its impact on the typical citizen, lack of food security doesn't just have adverse physical (i.e. malnutrition) effects; food insecurity issues can also manifest themselves within the mind.

A preliminary study conducted in 2006 observed four ethnic groups across two rural communities Tanzania; using a USDA food security module in tandem with the Hopkins Symptom Checklist to properly measure food security as well as anxiety and depression, the study found a strong positive correlation between food security levels and anxiety/depression. [10] In general, food insecurity can be linked to a number nutritional inadequacies in the population of nation, and some of these inadequacies are associated with symptoms of depression and immune system function. [11] These connections aren't as frequently studied as other implications of food insecurity; Hadley and Patil's 2006 study suggest this lack of proper observation stems from a "lack of adequate instruments to quantify mental health outcomes in rural non-Western settings." [10]

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Food security</span> Measure of the availability and accessibility of food

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It is estimated that 64 percent of the Mozambique population is food insecure. The prevalence is higher in the southern region. Mozambique net importer of food. Total annual cereal import requirements average 0.89 million tons. Mozambique must also import substantial quantities of meat and livestock products.

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There were 795 million undernourished people in the world in 2014, a decrease of 216 million since 1990, despite the fact that the world already produces enough food to feed everyone—7 billion people—and could feed more than that—12 billion people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gender and food security</span>

Gender inequality both leads to and is a result of food insecurity. According to estimates, women and girls make up 60% of the world's chronically hungry and little progress has been made in ensuring the equal right to food for women enshrined in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Women face discrimination both in education and employment opportunities and within the household, where their bargaining power is lower. On the other hand, gender equality is described as instrumental to ending malnutrition and hunger. Women tend to be responsible for food preparation and childcare within the family and are more likely to be spent their income on food and their children's needs. The gendered aspects of food security are visible along the four pillars of food security: availability, access, utilization and stability, as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization.

The Feed the Future Initiative (FTF) was launched in 2010 by the United States government and the Obama Administration to address global hunger and food insecurity. According to Feed the Future, it is "the U.S. government's global hunger and food security initiative."

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Agriculture in Tanzania</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Food security in Chad</span>

Chad currently suffers from widespread food insecurity. A majority of the population of Chad now suffers some form of malnutrition. 87% of its population lives below the poverty line. Because the country is arid, landlocked, and prone to droughts, many Chadians struggle to meet their daily nutritional needs. While international aid into the country has brought some relief, the situation in Chad remains severe due to broader famine in the Sahel region. The World Food Programme has declared a state of emergency in the region since early 2018, stating that, “...adding to the poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition which already affects [the nations of the Sahel] to varying degrees, drought, failed harvests and the high prices of staple foods have hastened the arrival of this year’s ‘lean season’ – the worst since 2014.” Malnutrition is high, especially among women and children, with a significant majority of all children in Chad suffering from some form of stunted growth or adverse health effects as a result. As such, health in Chad is greatly affected by lack of food. Food insecurity is a symptom of broader instability in Chad, which suffers from political, ethnic, and religious instability. These issues have contributed to long-term food insecurity in Chad.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sustainable Development Goal 2</span> Global goal to end hunger by 2030

Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to achieve "zero hunger". It is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. The official wording is: "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture". SDG 2 highlights the "complex inter-linkages between food security, nutrition, rural transformation and sustainable agriculture". According to the United Nations, there are around 690 million people who are hungry, which accounts for slightly less than 10 percent of the world population. One in every nine people goes to bed hungry each night, including 20 million people currently at risk of famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2021–2022 Madagascar famine</span> Food insecurity in districts of southern Madagascar of mid-2021

In mid-2021, a severe drought in southern Madagascar caused hundreds of thousands of people, with some estimating more than 1 million people including nearly 460,000 children, to suffer from food insecurity or famine. Some organizations have attributed the situation to the impact of climate change and the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Climate Change in Malawi</span>

Malawi is a land-locked country in southeastern Africa situated along the southernmost arm of the East African Rift-Valley System between latitudes 9°22’ and 17°03’ south of the equator, and longitudes 33°40’ and 35°55’ east of the Greenwich meridian. It shares borders with Tanzania in the north and northeast, Mozambique in the southwest, south, and east, and Zambia in the west. Malawi is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change as the vast majority of Malawians rely on small-scale, rain-fed agriculture, making them highly dependent on weather patterns. Climate change increasingly exacerbates droughts, flooding, and inconsistent rainfall—contributing to food insecurity and threatening to derail progress toward Malawi’s goal of self-reliance.


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