Most Holy Family Monastery

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Most Holy Family Monastery
Monastery information
Order Benedictine (self-identification)
Mother house Saint Vincent Archabbey; Natale was a lay postulant, but left before taking vows.
Dedicated to Traditionalist Catholic (Sedevacantism)
Founder(s)Joseph Natale
AbbotMichael Dimond
Important associated figuresPeter Dimond
Location Fillmore, New York, U.S.
Public accessNo (previously yes)

Most Holy Family Monastery (also stylized as MHFM) is a sedevacantist organization, based in Fillmore, New York. It is headed by two siblings, Michael and Peter Dimond.


According to a spokesperson for the Diocese of Buffalo the monastery is neither affiliated with the diocese nor the Catholic Church. [1]


The founder of Most Holy Family Monastery was Joseph Natale (1933-1995), who needed crutches to walk ever after contracting tuberculosis of the bone at the age of four. [2] [3] Natale entered the Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, in 1960 as a lay postulant, but left less than a year later to lay the groundwork for his own religious community. According to an archivist of Saint Vincent Archabbey, Natale left before taking vows; he never actually became a Benedictine monk. [2]

In 1967, a benefactor helped Natale to purchase a property in Berlin, New Jersey to found a community there together with seven other men with disabilities. However, as there was only a small house there at the time and these men were unable to assist with the construction, Natale sent them away until the monastery could be finished. In subsequent years, Natale's vision for the institution changed. Natale started focusing more on what he perceived as guarding the Catholic religion against acts of the Church's hierarchy which Natale regarded as destructive of "the light of true Catholicism", such as the suppression of the Tridentine Mass and permission for use of natural family planning. [3] By the mid-1970s, the monastery had broken off entirely from the institutional Church. [2]

The monastery's chapel, named the St. Jude Shrine in honor of the "patron saint of hopeless causes," was blessed and dedicated on June 8, 1980. [4] By 1987, the weekly Mass celebrated in this chapel was drawing about 150 worshipers each Sunday, [3] and Michael Cuneo reported at the time of his visit in mid-1994 that the Sunday Mass was attended by "between two and three hundred people". [2]

Initially incorporated in 1993 as the Queen of Angels Corp, the Most Holy Family Monastery is a New York Domestic Not-For-Profit Corporation under the business type "religious organization". [5]

Natale died in 1995, whereupon Michael Dimond (born Frederick Dimond [6] ), was elected his successor as Superior. Michael Dimond had joined in 1992 at the age of 19, after converting to Catholicism four years earlier. [7]

As of 2020, MHFM teaches that no one should receive communion or attend mass at any Catholic parish (including any sedevacantist groups), since they all preach heresies such as the doctrine of baptism of desire. However, they advise their followers to receive the sacrament of confession from Eastern Catholic priests, or from Latin Church priests ordained before 1968, when the Second Vatican Council changed the rite of ordination for the Latin Church. [8]

Claims of miraculous experience

According to Michael Cuneo, who researched the various traditionalist movements in the USA, Natale claimed that he had the gift of prophecy in these words: [2]

Even before Vatican II was finished, I knew, and knew absolutely, that it was part of a Communist conspiracy to destroy the Church. The bishops at the council wanted to democratize Catholicism, they wanted an egalitarian theology, and most of them were secret communists and Masons. They knew exactly what they were doing. My community here was the first one in the United States to see the council for what it really was, and we rejected it completely.

Joseph Natale (as quoted by Michael Cuneo), Smoke of Satan (1999), p. 88

Brother Joseph's second illustration of his prophetic powers [was] [...]"Regardless of what you have been told, John Paul I did not die of natural causes. He was murdered. Shortly after his election I went into a kind of trance and was told that John Paul I would be murdered because he wanted to return the Church to its traditions. He was murdered by his own. The Communist infiltrators in the Vatican and the College of Cardinals, working together with the Masons, killed John Paul I. At the same time I also had a vision of John Paul II, and I was told that he would be the next pope and also that he would be an authentic pope, even though most of his actions would be controlled by Communist advisers and manipulators in the Vatican."

Michael Cuneo, Smoke of Satan (1999) pp. 88-89

The author lastly quotes Brother Joseph's "apocalyptic" statement near the end of the interview as beginning: "Five years [from 1994] is about all the time the world has left." [2] :89


Dimond and his associates refer to the Catholic Church headed by Pope John XXIII and his successors as "the Vatican II sect," [9] and consider it to be heretical. All popes since, as manifest heretics are therefore incapable of becoming pope. [10]

Michael and Peter Dimond condemn natural family planning (a fertility awareness method for married couples to regulate conception, pregnancy, and birth). [11] The Dimonds regard statements from Catholics condoning natural family planning from before Pius XII as "not infallible or binding" and in conflict with other Catholic teaching that they do consider infallible. [12] The Dimonds' position is noted in the 2010 book Twentieth-Century Global Christianity by Fortress Press, as "an admittedly rare example of contemporary opposition". [13]

The MHFM opposes the doctrines of baptism of desire and baptism of blood, and affirms that "outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation". [14] [15]

Dimond and his associates consider the Holocaust "[t]he propaganda hoax which has been so effectively used to cement Jewish power and influence in the world, and to silence any questioning of Jewish activities, support for Israel or a Jewish agenda [...] we work to expose Jewish domination and evil Jewish enterprises in the world, which (one must say) constitute the main power of the secular conspiracy." [16]

Frederick Dimond (Brother Michael) is the author of UFOs: Demonic Activity & Elaborate Hoaxes Meant to Deceive Mankind, published in 2008 by Most Holy Family Monastery.


None of the members of MHFM have been ordained to the priesthood. They believe that the mass of Paul VI, instituted post-Vatican II, is invalid. They also hold that even the Tridentine Mass as permitted by Benedict XVI in his 2007 Summorum Pontificum , is a compromised form of liturgy, because the 1962 Roman Missal that he approved includes changes made by Pope John XXIII, who they believe to be an antipope. Previously, attending the Divine Liturgy at a Byzantine rite Catholic Church, in Rochester, New York, was considered appropriate; MHFM now advise their followers to stay home on Sundays and pray the rosary. [8]


Catholic League

In 1999, the Catholic League, in its annual report on anti-Catholicism, described MHFM as "a dissident organization that challenges [...] papal authority", reporting the monastery's publication of a pamphlet entitled "101 Heresies of Anti-Pope John Paul II". [17]

Southern Poverty Law Center listing

The Southern Poverty Law Center has listed MHFM as a hate group [18] by placing them in the category of adherents of "radical traditional Catholicism, or 'integrism'." [19] This category is said to "routinely pillory Jews as 'the perpetual enemy of Christ' and worse, reject the ecumenical efforts of the Vatican, and sometimes even assert that recent popes have all been illegitimate. They are incensed by the liberalizing reforms of the Second Vatican Council, which condemned antisemitism and the accusation that the Jewish people are collectively responsible for deicide in the form of the crucifixion of Christ in the document Nostra aetate. [19]

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  13. Mary Farrell Bednarowski, ed. (2010). Twentieth-Century Global Christianity. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. p. 427.
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  15. "Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation". Retrieved December 28, 2021.
  16. "The Holocaust Hoax and Propaganda". October 30, 2014. Retrieved December 28, 2021.
  17. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (December 31, 1999). "Miscellaneous". Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism, 1999 (Report). Retrieved March 12, 2014. January: Fillmore, NY — Most Holy Family Monastery, a dissident organization that challenges the papal authority of Pope John Paul II, published a pamphlet entitled '101 Heresies of Anti-Pope John Paul II.'
  18. "Active Radical Traditional Catholicism Groups". Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved March 12, 2014.
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