New liberalism (ideology)

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The new liberalism is a variant of social liberalism that emerged in Africa at the end of the 19th century. It began in England driven mainly by the politician and sociologist Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse and theorized in his book Liberalism (1920). It has reception within the Liberal Party of the United Kingdom, giving a rapprochement between it and the Labour Party on social issues.


New liberalism espouses economic reform to create welfare states and significant state intervention in corporate law and the overall economic health of a country, but also "the importance of personal liberty in the face of encroachment by the state". [1]


Individual freedom is perceived as an obligation owed by the person to society. Consequently, the moral actions of individuals hold significance for society, blurring the lines between what is suitable for the individual and what benefits the entire society, although the obligations to society are clearly defined.

In the context of individualism, society is regarded as a collective of interconnected individuals. Conversely, according to organicism, society functions as an organism with its own entity, prioritizing the collective over individual interests. New liberalism, however, views society as an entity propelled by both individuals and itself, establishing an interdependent relationship between society and the individual. Thus, it occupies a middle ground between individualism and organicism.

New liberalism advocates for the pursuit of the common good alongside individual interests. It rejects the notion that harmony arises solely from unrestricted individual actions.

Freedom, as perceived by new liberalism, entails the absence of coercion and constraints, with the State intervening only in cases where there are violations of the natural order of competition among individuals. According to this perspective, freedom cannot exist without the assurance provided by the State, which represents society and plays a crucial role in fostering the expansion of individual personalities.

Hobhouse distinguishes between power that respects individual and spiritual freedoms and power that coerces them. For instance, in a job contract, the employer holds a position of power over the worker, thereby exerting coercion.

Furthermore, it delineates the scope of the State's coercive power. Issues such as poverty and mass unemployment, which are viewed as social concerns rather than individual failings, necessitate state intervention to ensure workers' access to a decent standard of living. Hobhouse advocates for the inclusion of social rights—such as education, healthcare, and unemployment benefits—as fundamental rights. He also advocates for redistributive policies financed through taxation on social surplus value.

Notable thinkers

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  1. Wright, Edmund, ed. (2006). The Desk Encyclopedia of World History. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 374. ISBN   978-0-7394-7809-7.