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In any communication, in any medium or format, "subtext" is the underlying or implicit meaning that, while not explicitly stated, is understood by an audience. [1]


The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "an underlying and often distinct theme in a conversation, piece of writing, etc.", [2] while according to Merriam-Webster, subtext is "the implicit or metaphorical meaning (as of a literary text)". [3]

These definitions highlight that subtext involves themes or messages that are not directly conveyed, but can be inferred.

About subtext

Subtext is content "sub" i.e. "under" (with the sense of "hidden beneath") the verbatim wording; readers or audience must "gather" subtext "reading between the lines" or inferring meaning, a process needed for a clear and complete understanding of the text. A meaning stated explicitly is, by definition not subtext (for lack of hiding), and writers may be criticized for failure artfully to create and use subtext;[ citation needed ] such works may be faulted as too "on the nose", with the characters meaning what they literally have said, undermining dramatic tension, and leaving the work too prosaic. [4]

Subtext also may be included in the action of narratives, with secondary themes expressed in order to appeal to a general audience; such approaches to sexual or otherwise more adult story-content, in works accessible to the young, often fails to "register" for the young reader, though adults will understand—perhaps even appreciating the mental stimulation offered them, in catching the child-invisible nuances.

Formats for creating subtext

Below are the main types of subtext that are used in film:

Linguistic implicature studies the kinds of subtext that are often used within language itself.

See also

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  1. Pernot, Laurent [in French] (2021) [2018]. "Preface". The Subtle Subtext: Hidden Meanings in Literature and Life. Translated by Higgins, W. E. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. pp. vii–x. ISBN   978-0-271-09197-6.
  2. "Subtext, N., Sense 2" . Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. July 2023. doi:10.1093/OED/5646349087 . Retrieved 22 May 2024.
  3. "subtext noun". Merriam-Webster. 15 May 2024. Retrieved 22 May 2024.
  4. Seger, Linda (November 1, 2011). "Chapter 1: Subtext: Definition and Exploration". Writing Subtext. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Production. ISBN   978-1-932907-96-4.