1814 United States elections

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1814 United States elections
1812          1813         1814         1815          1816
Midterm elections
Incumbent president James Madison
Next Congress 14th
Senate elections
Overall controlDemocratic-Republican hold
Seats contested12 of 36 seats [1]
Net seat changeFederalist +1 [2]
House elections
Overall controlDemocratic-Republican hold
Seats contestedAll 183 voting seats
Net seat changeDemocratic-Republican +5 [2]

The 1814 United States elections occurred in the middle of Democratic-Republican President James Madison's second term, during the First Party System. Members of the 14th United States Congress were chosen in this election. During the 14th Congress, Indiana joined the union. The election took place during the War of 1812.

Democratic-Republicans continued to dominate both houses of Congress, and slightly increased their majority in the House. Federalists picked up a small number of seats in the Senate. [3] [4]

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  1. Not counting special elections.
  2. 1 2 Congressional seat gain figures only reflect the results of the regularly-scheduled elections, and do not take special elections into account.
  3. "Party Divisions of the House of Representatives". United States House of Representatives. Retrieved 25 June 2014.
  4. "Party Division in the Senate, 1789-Present". United States Senate. Retrieved 25 June 2014.