Sealed birth records

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Sealed birth records refers to the practice of sealing the original birth certificate upon adoption or legitimation, often making a copy of the record unavailable except by court order. Upon finalization of the adoption, the original birth certificate is sealed and replaced with an amended birth certificate declaring the adoptee to be the child of his or her adoptive parents, "as if" born to them. Many states, provinces and countries adopted this practice in the early to mid-20th century with the aim of protecting the adopted person from the shame of an illegitimate birth. Sealed or closed birth records are generally associated with closed adoption. Open records is generally referred to as the practice of opening original birth records to adult adoptees, and should not be confused with open adoption, which can occur with or without sealed records, depending on the laws of the state or province in which it is carried out.


Many nations have granted adult adoptees unrestricted access to their original birth certificates. Mike Leigh's Oscar-nominated film Secrets & Lies (1996) revolves around a British woman who accesses her original birth certificate.


United States

While Minnesota was the first state in 1917 to seal and make court adoption records unavailable to the public, [1] in 1935 California became the first state to seal and make an adoptee's original birth record unavailable except by court order. [2] This act, however, also required the sealing of the original birth record of a child who was born illegitimate but who was later legitimated by affidavit or court order. Sealing birth records after an adoption or legitimation was intended to protect the child from any stigma associated with being born illegitimate. It was also intended to prevent a birth parent from interfering later with the adoptive family. After World War II, the laws in most states were changed to permanently seal adoptees' original birth certificates to all parties, including the adoptee when an adult. While Kansas and Alaska seal an adoptee's original birth certificates after an adoption, the original birth record in these two states has always been available upon request once the adoptee reaches 18 years of age. [3] [4] Many states and provinces of the U.S. and Canada have restored the right of adult adopted people to obtain copies of their original birth certificates, though restrictions remain in a number of states even when partial restoration has been enacted by law. [5]


The history of sealed birth records in Canada mirrors that of the United States. It is complicated by the forced adoptions of Native American children. [6]

See also

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Closed adoption is a process by which an infant is adopted by another family, and the record of the biological parent(s) is kept sealed. Often, the biological father is not recorded—even on the original birth certificate. An adoption of an older child who already knows his or her biological parent(s) cannot be made closed or secret. This used to be the most traditional and popular type of adoption, peaking in the decades of the post-World War II Baby Scoop Era. It still exists today, but it exists alongside the practice of open adoption. The sealed records effectively prevent the adoptee and the biological parents from finding, or even knowing anything about each other. However, the emergence of non-profit organizations and private companies to assist individuals with their sealed records has been effective in helping people who want to connect with biological relatives to do so.

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In the United States, adoption is the process of creating a legal parent-child relationship between a child and a parent who was not automatically recognized as the child's parent at birth.

Open adoption is a form of adoption in which the biological and adoptive families have access to varying degrees of each other's personal information and have an option of contact. While open adoption is a relatively new phenomenon in the west, it has been a traditional practice in many Asian societies, especially in South Asia, for many centuries. In Hindu society, for example, it is relatively common for a childless couple to adopt the second or later son of the husband's brother when the childless couple has limited hope of producing their own child.

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  1. is consistent with relevant federal constitutional and statutory law
  2. delineates the legal requirements and consequences of different kinds of adoption
  3. promotes the integrity and finality of adoptions while discouraging "trafficking" in minors
  4. respects the choices made by the parties to an adoption about how much confidentiality or openness they prefer in their relations with each other, subject, however, to judicial protection of the adoptee's welfare
  5. promotes the interest of minor children in being raised by individuals who are committed to, and capable of, caring for them."

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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to adoption:

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