List of districts of Maluku

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The province of Maluku in Indonesia is divided into nine regencies (kabupaten) and two independent cities (kota); these in turn are divided administratively into 118 districts [1] known as Kecamatan. The 118 districts of Maluku, with the regency or city each falls into, are as follows:


Administrative villages (desa) listed for each district: [4] [5]

City/Regency District Languages in district Administrative villages
Ambon Baguala Halong, Lateri, Latta, Nania, Negeri Lama, Passo, Waiheru
Ambon South Leitimur Ema, Hatalai, Hukurila, Hutumury (Hutumuri), Kilang, Leahari, Naku, Rutong
Ambon Nusaniwe (Nusanive)Amahusu, Benteng, Kudamati, Latuhalat, Mangga Dua, Nusaniwe, Nusaniwe (Kelurahan Nusaniwe), Seilale, Silale, Urimessing (Urimesing) Desa, Urimessing (Urimesing) Kelurahan, Waihaong, Wainitu (Wainatu)
Ambon Sirimau Ahusen, Amantelu, Batu Gajah (Batu Gaja / Batugajah), Batu Meja, Batu Merah, Galala, Hative Kecil, Honipopu, Karang Panjang, Pandan Kasturi, Rijali, Soya, Uritetu, Waihoka
Ambon Teluk Ambon Hative Besar, Hunuth (Durian Patah), Laha, Poka, Rumah Tiga, Tawiri, Tihu, Wayame
Buru Air Buaya Air Buaya, Awilinan, Bara, Batlale, Kampung Baru, Selwadu, Tanjung Karang, Waimangit (Waemangit), Waipure (Waepure), Wasbaka
Buru Batabual Batu Jungku, Ilath, Namlea Ilath, Pela, Waemorat
Buru Fena Leisela Balbalu, Lemanpoli, Raheriat, Waedanga, Waekose, Waelana-lana, Waemite, Waereman, Wainibe (Waenibe), Wamana Baru, Wamlana, Wasi, Waspait
Buru Lilialy Jikumarasa (Jikumerasa), Sawa, Ubung, Waeperang, Waimiting (Waemiting)
Buru Lolong Guba Grandeng, Kubalahin, Lele, Nafrua, Ohilahin, Tifu, Wabloy, Waegeren, Wanakarta, Wapsalit
Buru Namlea Batu Boy, Jamilu, Karang Jaya, Lala, Namlea, Sanleko, Siahoni
Buru Teluk Kaiely Kaiely (Kayeli), Kaki Air, Masarete, Seith, Waelapia
Buru Waeapo Gogorea, Savana Jaya, Waekasar, Waekerta, Waenetat, Waetele, Wanareja
Buru Waelata Basalale, Dava, Deboway / Debowae, Parbulu, Waehata, Waeleman, Waelo, Waetina, Waflan, Widit
Buru Waplau Hatawano, Lamahang, Namsina, Samalagi, Skikilale, Waepotih, Waeura, Wailihang (Waelihang), Waplau, Waprea
South Buru Ambalau Elara, Kampung Baru, Lumoy, Masawoy, Selasi, Siwar, Ulima
South Buru Fena Fafan Fakal, Mangeswaen, Nusarua, Siwatlahin, Trukat, Uneth, Waekatin, Waeken, Waelo, Waereman (Waeraman)
South Buru Kepala Madan Air Ternate, Bala-bala, Balpetu, Batu Layar, Biloro, Emguhen (Emhugen), Fogi, Nanali, Pasir Putih, Sekat, Siopot, Waeha, Waekeka, Waepandan, Walbele
South Buru Leksula Ewiri (Erwiri), Grahwaen, Kase, Leksula, Liang, Mepa, Nalbessy, Neath, Slealale, Terkuri, Tifu, Waehaka, Waemala, Waemulang, Waenamaolon, Waeturen, Wahaolon, Walunghelat, Wewali
South Buru Namrole Batu Tulis, Elfule, Fatmite, Kamlanglale, Labuang, Lektama, Leku, Masnana, Namrinat, Oki Baru, Oki Lama, Tikbary, Waefusi, Waenalut, Waenono, Wali, Wamkana
South Buru Waesama Batu Kasa, Hote, Lena, Pohon Batu, Simi, Waelikut, Waemasing, Waesili, Waetawa, Waeteba (Waetaba), Wamsisi
Aru Islands Aru Selatan West Doka, East Doka, Fatural, Feruni, Gaimar, Jelia, Jerol, Kabalukin, Kalar-Kalar, Laininir, Lor-lor, Marfenfen (Marafenfen), Ngaibor, Ngaiguli, Popjetur
Aru Islands Aru Selatan Timur Batugoyang, Beltubur, Dosimar, Gomar Meti (Gomarmeti), Gomar Sungai (Gomarsungai), Jorang, Karey, Meror, Salarem, Siya
Aru Islands Aru Selatan Utara Erersin, Hokmar, Juring, Lutur, Maekor, Rebi, Tabarfane
Aru Islands Aru Tengah Algadang, Benjina, Fatlabata, Gardakau, Gulili, Irloy, Jirlay, Kobadangar, Kobasel Fara, Kobasel Timur, Kwarbola, Lorang, Maijuring, Manjau, Maririmar, Murai, Namara, Papakula, Selibata-Bata, Selilau, Tanah Miring, Wakua
Aru Islands Aru Tengah Selatan Apara, Bemun, Gomo Gomo, Jambu Air, Longgar, Mesiang, Warabal
Aru Islands Aru Tengah Timur Balatan, Basada, Dosinamalau, Kaiwabar, Karawai (Karawain), Kobror, Koijabi, Lola, Mariri, Ponom, Wailay, Warjukur, Warloy
Aru Islands Aru Utara Foket, Jerwatu, Kabufin, Kaibolafin, Kolamar, Marlasi, Mesidang, Selmona, Tasinwaha (Tasin Waha), Wahangula-Ngula (Wahangulangula), Wahayum / Wahayun, Warialau
Aru Islands Aru Utara Timur Batuley Batulei (Batuley), Benjuring, Jursiang, Kabalsiang, Kobamar, Kompane, Kumul, Sewer, Waria
Aru Islands Pulau-Pulau Aru Durjela, Galai Dubu, Gorar, Jabulenga, Karangguli, Kobraur, Lau-Lau, Nafar (Napar), Samang, Siwa Lima (Siwalima), Tungu, Tunguwatu, Ujir, Wangel, Wokam
Aru Islands Sir-Sir Bardefan (Berdefan), Goda Goda, Gomsey, Kolaha, Langhalau, Leiting, Mohongsel, Wafan, Waiful (Waifual)
Southwest Maluku Damer Batu Merah (Batumerah), Bebar Timur, Ilih, Kehli, Kuaimelu (Kuay Melu), Kumur, Wulur
Southwest Maluku Dawelor Dawera Ilmarang, Letmasa, Nurnyaman, Wairatan (Wiratan/Wiratang), Watuwey (Watuwei), Welora
Southwest Maluku Romang Islands Hila, Jerusu, Solath
Southwest Maluku North Kisar Labelau (Lebelau), Nomaha, Purpura (Pur-Pura)
Southwest Maluku Mndona Hiera (Mdona Hyera / Hiera)Batugajah (Batu Gajah), Elo, Lelang, Luang Barat, Luang Timur, Mahaleta, Pupliora (Pupioliora), Regoha, Romdara, Rotnama, Rumkisar (Romkisar)
Southwest Maluku Moa Lakor Kaiwatu, Klis, Moain, Patti, Tiakur, Tounwawan, Wakarleli, Werwaru
Southwest Maluku Pulau Lakor Kety (Ketty), Letoda, Lolotwara (Lolotuara), Sera, Yamluli
Southwest Maluku Pulau Leti / Letti (Leti Moa Lakor)Batumiau, Laitutun, Luhuely (Luhulely / Luhuleli), Nuwewang, Tomra, Tutukey, Tutuwaru
Southwest Maluku Pulau Masela Babyotang (Babiotang), Bululora, Iblatmuntah, Ilbutung, Latalola Besar, Latalola Kecil, Lawawang, Marsela, Nura, Serili, Telalora - Letoda
Southwest Maluku Pulau-Pulau Babar Hertuti, Imroing, Letsiara, Lewah, Sinairusi, Tela, Tepa, Wanuwui (Manuwui), Yaltubung
Southwest Maluku Pulau-Pulau Terselatan Abusur, Kota Lama, Lekloor, West Oirata, East Oirata, Wonreli
Southwest Maluku Pulau Wetang Herley (Herley Hoka), Nusiata, Pota Besar, Pota Kecil, Rumalewang Besar (Rumahlewang Besar), Rumalewang Kecil (Rumahlewang Kecil), Upuhupun (Upuhupu), Wasarili
Southwest Maluku Pulau-Pulau Babar Timur Ahanari, Analutur, Emplawas (Empalwas), Kokwari, Kroing, Letwurung, Manuweri (Manuari), Nakarhamto, Tutuwawang, Wakpapapi, Yatoke
Southwest Maluku Wetar Amau, Hiay, Ilputih, Ilwaki, Mahuan, Masapun
Southwest Maluku West Wetar Ilmamau, Karbubu, Klishatu, Telemar, Ustutun
Southwest Maluku East Wetar Arwala, Ilpokil, Ilway, Kahilin, Moning, Tomliapat
Southwest Maluku North Wetar Elsulith, Eray, Lurang, Nabar, Naumatang, Uhak
Central Maluku Amahai Amahai, Banda Baru, Haruru, Hatuhenu, Hollo, Makariki, Nua Nea, Nuweletetu, Rutah, Sehati, Sepa, Soahuku, Tamilouw, Yafila, Yainuelo
Central Maluku Banda Boiyauw, Combir Kasestoren, Dender, Dwiwarna, Kampung Baru, Lautang, Lonthoir, Merdeka, Nusantara, Pulau Ay, Pulau Hatta, Pulau Rhun, Rajawali, Selamon, Tanah Rata, Uring Tutra, Waer, Walling Spanciby (Wailing Spanciby)
Central Maluku Kota Masohi Ampera, Lesane, Letwaru, Namaelo, Namasina
Central Maluku Leihitu Asilulu, Hila, Hitulama (Hitu Lama), Hitumessing (Hitu Mesing), Kaitetu, Mamala, Morella (Morela), Negeri Lima, Seith, Ureng, Wakal
Central Maluku West Leihitu Allang, Hatu, Larike, Liliboy (Liliboi), Wakasihu
Central Maluku Nusa Laut Abubu, Akoon, Ameth, Leinitu, Nalahia, Sila, Titawaai
Central Maluku Pulau Haruku Aboru, Haruku, Hulaliu, Kabauw (Kabau), Kailolo, Kariu (Kariuw), Oma, Pelauw, Rohomoni, Sameth, Wassu
Central Maluku Salahutu Liang, Suli, Tengah-Tengah, Tial, Tulehu, Waai
Central Maluku Saparua Booi, Haria, Kulur, Paperu, Porto (Portho), Saparua, Tiouw
Central Maluku East Saparua Iha, Ihamahu, Itawaka, Mahu, Nolloth (Noloth), Ouw, Siri Sori Islam (Siri Sori), Siri-Sori Amalatu, Tuhaha, Ullath
Central Maluku Seram Utara Air Besar, Besi, Elemata, Hatuolo, Huaulu, Kaloa, Kanikeh, Malaku, Manusela, Maraina, Masihulan, Olong, Oping, Pasahari, Roho, Rumahsokat, Sawai, Siatele, Solea, Wahai
Central Maluku Seram Utara Barat Gale-gale, Herlau Pauni, Horale, Karlutu Kara, Labuan, Latea, Lisabata Timur, Paa, Pasanea, Rumahwey, Saleman, Wailulu, Warasiwa
Central Maluku Seram Utara Timur Kobi Kabauhari, Kobi, Kobimukti, Leaway, Maneo Rendah, Marasahua, Morokai, Samal, Sariputih, Waimusi, Waitonipa, Way Asih
Central Maluku Seram Utara Timur Seti Aketernate, Kobisonta, Loping Mulyo, Namto, Seti, Tanah Merah, Tihuana, Wailoping, Waimusal, Waiputih, Waitila, Wonosari
Central Maluku Tehoru Hatu, Hatumete, Haya, Mosso, Piliama (Piliana), Salamahu, Saunulu, Tehoru, Telutih Baru (Teluti Baru), Yaputih
Central Maluku Teluk Elpaputih Liang, Sahulauw (Sahulau), Tananahu, Waraka
Central Maluku Telutih Hunisi, Lafa, Laha, Laha Kaba (Lahakaba), Laimu, Maneoratu (Maneo Ratu), Tehua, Ulahahan, Wolu, Yamalatu
Central Maluku Teon Nila Serua Ameth, Bumey, Isu (Issu), Jerili, Kokroman, Kuralele, Layeni, Lesluru, Mesa (Messa), Nakupia, Sefluru (Sifluru), Trana, Usliapan, Waru, Watludan, Wotay
Southeast Maluku Hoat Sorbay Arso, Dian Darat, Dian Pulau, Evu, Letwuan (Letvuan), Madwat, Ngursit, Ohoibadar, Tetoat, Wab, Warwut, Watngil, Wirin
Southeast Maluku Kei Besar Bombay, Daftel, Depur, El Ralang, Elat, Fako, Fangamas, Harangur, Karkarit, Ler Ohoilim, Mataholat, Nabaheng, Ngat, Ngefuit, Ngefuit Atas, Ngurdu, Ohoiel, Ohoilim, Ohoinangan, Ohoinangan Atas, Ohoiwait, Ohoiwang, Rahareng, Rahareng Atas, Reyamru, Sirbante, Soinrat, Udar, Wakol, Watsin, Watuar, Waur, Waur Tahit, Werka, Wermaf, Wulurat, Yamtel
Southeast Maluku Kei Besar Selatan Kilwat, Larat, Nerong, Ohoirenan, Sathen (Sether/Sather), Soindat, Tamangil Nuhuten, Tamangil Nuhuyanat, Tutrean, Weduar
Southeast Maluku Kei Besar Selatan Barat Feer, Hoat, Hoko, Ngafan, Ngan, Ngurko, Ohoilean, Rahangiar, Rerean, Uat, Wafol, Watkidat, Weduar Fer (Weduar Feer)
Southeast Maluku Kei Besar Utara Barat Ad Ngurwul, Ad Ohoiwaf, Ad Wear Aur (Ad Wearaur), Dangarat, Faa, Hangur, Hoor Islam, Hoor Kristen, Laar (Laar Perda), Mun Essoy, Mun Kahar, Mun Ngurditwain, Mun Ohoiir, Mun Ohoitadiun (Mun Ohoitadium), Mun Werfan, Ngurwalek, Ohoituf, Uwat, Uwat Reyaan, Uwat Wear, Waer, Waerat, Weer Frawaf, Weer Ohoiker, Weer Ohoinam
Southeast Maluku Kei Besar Utara Timur Banda Efruan, Banda Eli/Ely, Banda Suku Tigapuluh, Fanwav, Haar Ohoimel, Haar Ohoimur GPM, Haar Ohoimur RK, Haar Ohoiwait, Haar Renrahantel, Haar Wassar, Hoko, Hollat, Hollat Solair, Hollay, Kilwair, Langgiar Haar, Ohoifaruan, Ohoifau, Ohoimajang, Ohoiraut, Ohoiwirin, Renfaan GPM, Renfaan Islam, Renfan (Renfaan), Soin, Tuburlay, Tuburngil, Ur, Watlaar (Watlar), Yamtimur
Southeast Maluku Kei Kecil Dudunwahan, Faan, Ibra, Kelanit, Kolser, Langgur, Letman, Loon, Ngabub, Ohoider Atas, Ohoidertawun (Ohodertawun), Ohoijang Watdek (Ohoijang / Ohoiyong Watdek), Sathean, Sitniohoi, Wearlilir
Southeast Maluku Kei Kecil Barat Matwair (Madwaer), Ohoidertom, Ohoidertutu, Ohoira, Ohoiren, Somlain, Tanimbar Kei, Ur Pulau, Warbal, Yatwav
Southeast Maluku Kei Kecil Timur Abean, Denwet, Disuk, Iso, Marfun, Mastur, Mastur Baru, Ohoilus, Ohoinol, Rat, Rewav, Rumaat, Semawi, Tenbuk, Wain, Wain Baru, Watngon, Yafavun
Southeast Maluku Kei Kecil Timur Selatan Danar Lumefar, Danar Ohoiseb, Danar Ternate, Elaar Lamagorang, Elaar Let, Elaar Ngursoin, Garara, Maar, Ngurwul, Sare, Uf
Southeast Maluku Manyeuw Debut, Lairngangas, Namar, Ngayub, Ngilngof, Ohoililir, Ohoiluk, Rumadian, Selayar
Tanimbar Islands Kormomolin Alusi Batjasi, Alusi Bukjalim, Alusi Kelaan, Alusi Krawain, Alusi Tamrian, Kilmasa, Lorwembun, Lumasebu, Meyano Bab, Meyano Das
Tanimbar Islands Molu Maru Adodo Molu (Adodo Molo), Nurkat, Tutunametal, Wadankou (Wadankau), Wulmasa
Tanimbar Islands Nirunmas Arma, Manglusi, Tutukembong, Watmuri, Waturu
Tanimbar Islands Selaru Adaut, Eliasa, Fursuy (Fursui), Kandar, Lingat, Namtabung, Werain
Tanimbar Islands South Tanimbar Bomaki, Ilngei, Kabiarat (Kabiarat Raya), Latdalam, Lauran, Lermatang, Matakus, Olilit Raya (Olilit), Saumlaki, North Saumlaki, Sifnana, Wowonda
Tanimbar Islands North Tanimbar Kelaan, Kilobar (Keliober), Lamdesar Barat, Lamdesar Timur, Lelingluan, Ridool, Ritabel, Watidal
Tanimbar Islands Wer Maktian Batu Putih, Kamatubun, Makatian (Makatiang), Marantutul, Rumahsalut (Rumasalut), Themin, Welutu, Weratan, Wermatang
Tanimbar Islands Wer Tamrian Amdasa, Arui Bab, Arui Das, Atubul Da, Atubul Dol, Lorulun, Sangliat Dol, Sangliat Krawain, Tumbur
Tanimbar Islands Wuar Labobar Abat, Awear Rumngeur, Karatat, Kiloon, Labobar, Lingada, Romnus, Teineman, Wabar, Watmasa, Wunlah
Tanimbar Islands Yaru Adodo Fordata, Awear, Romean, Rumngeur, Sofyanin, Walerang
West Seram Amalatu Hualoy, Latu, Rumahkay, Seriholo, Tala, Tihulale, Tomalehu
West Seram Elpaputih Abio Ahiolo, Elpaputih, Huku Kecil, Sanahu, Sumeith/Sameith Pasinaro, Wasia (Waisa), Watuy (Watui)
West Seram Huamual Ariate, Iha, Kulur, Lokki, Luhu
West Seram Huamual Belakang Allang Asaude, Buano Selatan (Boano Selatan), Buano Utara (Boano Utara), Sole, Tahalupu, Tonu Jaya, Waesala
West Seram Inamosol Honitetu (Hunitetu), Hukuanakota (Huku Anakota), Manusa, Rambatu, Rumberu
West Seram Kairatu Hatusua, Kairatu, Kamarian, Seruawan, Uraur, Waimital, Waipirit
West Seram West Kairatu Kamal, Lohiatala, Nuruwe (Nurue), Waesamu (Waisamu), Waihatu, Waisarisa
West Seram Manipa Islands Buano Hatuputih, Kelang Asaude, Luhutuban, Masawoy (Masawoi), Tomalehu Barat (Tumalehu Barat), Tomalehu Timur (Tumalehu Timur), Tuniwara
West Seram West Seram Eti / Ety, Kaibobo (Kaibobu), Kawa, Lumoly (Lumoli), Morekau, Neniari / Niniari, Piru
West Seram Taniwel Buria, Hulung, Kasieh, Laturake, Lisabata (Lisabata Barat), Lohiasapalewa (Lohia Sapalewa), Murnaten / Mornaten, Nikulukan, Niniari, Niwelehu, Nukuhai, Nuniali, Pasinalo, Patahuwe, Riring, Rumahsoal, Taniwel, Uweth / Uweh, Wakolo
West Seram East Taniwel Hatunuru, Lumahlatal (Lumalatal), Lumahpelu (Lumapelu), Makububui, Maloang, Masihuwey (Musihbuway), Matapa, Seakasale (Soakasale), Sohuwe, Solea, Sukaraja, Tounusa, Uwen Pantai, Walakone, Waraloin
East Seram Bula Bula, Bula Air Fatolo, Englas, Fattolo, Kampung Gorom, Kampung Wailola, Limumir, Salas, Sesar, Tansi Ambon
East Seram West Bula Aki Jaya, Banggoi, Banggoi Pancorang, Dreamland Hills, Hote, Jakarta Baru, Jembatan Basah, Rukun Jaya, Silohan, Sumber Agung, Waematakabo, Waiketam Baru, Waisamet
East Seram East Gorom Adar, Amarwatu, Aran, Armada, Bas, Basarin, Etaralu, Goha, Kilkoda, Kiltufa, Kota Sirih, Miran, Miran Gota, Miran Keledar, Miran Kilian, Miran Manaban, Miran Rumuar, Rarat, Sagey, Tinarin, Tuha, Tunas Ilur, Waisalan
East Seram Kian Darat Angar, Artafela, Kelaba, Kian Darat, Kileser, Kilga Kilwouw, Kilga Watubau, Rumfakar, Rumoga, Watu Watu
East Seram Kilmury Afang Defol, Afang Kota, Bitorik, Gunak, Kamar, Kilbon Kway, Kilmury, Kumelang, Mising, Nekan, Selor, Sumbawa, Taa, Undur
East Seram Pulau Gorom Amarsekaru, Arewang, Aroa Kataloka, Buan Kataloka, Dada Kataloka, Day, Dulak, Ilili, Kaforing, Kataloka, Kelibingan, Kilalir Kilwouw, Kilean, Kilotak, Kulugowa, Loko, Mida, Namalean, Ondor, Rumanama Kotawouw Kataloka, Rumeon, Sera, Sikaro Kataloka, Usun Kataloka
East Seram Pulau Panjang Argam, Lalasa, Magat, Perik Basaranggi, Pulau Panjang, Ruku Ruku
East Seram East Seram Ainena, Akatfadedo, Geser, Guli-Guli, Keffing, Kellu, Kilfura, Kiltay, Kilwaru, Kwawor Besar Ena, Kwawor Besar Witau, Kwawor Kecil Mata Ata, Kwawor Kecil Mata Wawa, Manggis, Mugusinis, Urung
East Seram Siritaun Wida Timur Air Nanang, Aruan Gaur, Keta, Keta Rumadan, Kian Laut, Kwaos (Kuwaos), Lian Tasik, Salagor Air, Salagor Kota, Suru
East Seram Siwalalat Abulate, Adabai, Atiahu, Dihil, Elnusa, Lapela, Liliama, Naiwel Ahinulin, Nayet, Polin, Sabuai, Tunsai
East Seram Teluk Waru Bellis, Boinfia, Dawang, Kampung Baru, Karay, Madak, Nama Andan, Nama Lena, Solang, Tubir Wasiwang, Waru
East Seram Teor Duryar Rumoy, Kampung Baru, Kampung Tengah Wermaf, Karlokin, Kartutin Kartenga, Ker Ker, Kiliwouw, Lapang Kampung Jawa, Mamur, Teor
East Seram Tutuk Tolu Airkasar, Bati Kilwouw, Danama, Gah, Kilbat, Kilmoy, Kufar, Sesar, Taruy, Walang Tenga, Waras-Waras
East Seram Wakate Amarlaut, Effa, Guliar, Ilili, Karlomin, Kelangan, Keldor, Kilbutak, Kurwara, Lahema, Otademan, Ruma Durun, Tamher Timur, Tamher Warat, Tana Soa, Tanah Baru, Utta, Wunin Eldedora
East Seram Werinama Batuasa, Bemo, Bemo Perak, Funa Naibaya, Gusalaut, Hatuimeten, Osong, Tobo, Tum, Werinama
Tual South Kur Hirit, Kanara, Niela (Mangur Niela), Rumoin (Romoin), Tiflen (Tiflean), Warkar, Yapas
Tual Pulau Dullah Selatan Ketsoblak, Lodar El (Lodar Ell), Masrum, Taar, Tual
Tual Pulau Dullah Utara Dullah (Darat), Dullah Laut, Fiditan, Labetawi, Ngadi, Ohoitahit, Ohoitel, Tamedan
Tual Pulau-Pulau Kur Finualen, Kaimear, Lokwirin, Sermaf, Tubyal
Tual Tayando Tam Tam Ngurhir, Tayando Langgiar, Tayando Ohoiel, Tayando Yamru, Tayando Yamtel

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Ambelau or Ambalau is a volcanic island in the Banda Sea within Maluku Islands of Indonesia. The island forms an administrative district which is part of the South Buru Regency of Maluku province, Indonesia. It has a land area of 201.7 km2, and had a population of 6,846 at the 2010 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 9,170. The administrative center is Wailua, a settlement located at the south of the island. About half of the island's population is composed of indigenous Ambelau people who speak the Ambelau language; the other half are mostly immigrants from the nearby Maluku Islands and Java.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Southeast Maluku Regency</span> Regency in Maluku, Indonesia

Southeast Maluku Regency is a regency of Maluku, Indonesia. It is coincident with the Kei Islands, except that the city of Tual, although within the Kei Islands geographically and the seat of the Regency's administration, is since 17 July 2007 technically independent of the Regency. The land area of the Regency is 1,016.64 km2, while the sea area administered by the Regency was 3,181 km2; it had a population of 96,442 at the 2010 Census; this increased to 121,511 at the 2020 Census, and the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 124,199.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Southwest Maluku Regency</span> Regency in Maluku, Indonesia

Southwest Maluku Regency is a regency of Maluku Province, Indonesia. Geographically it forms the most eastern portion of the Lesser Sunda Islands, although it has never been administratively included with them, and politically has always comprised a part of the Maluku Province. It comprises a number of islands and island groups in the south of the province, including Lirang Island, Wetar Island, Kisar Island, Romang Island, the Letti Islands, the Damer Islands, Mdona Hyera and the Babar Islands.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tanimbar Islands Regency</span> Regency in Maluku, Indonesia

Tanimbar Islands Regency is a regency of Maluku province, Indonesia, consisting primarily of the Tanimbar Islands. The Regency covers a land area of 10,102 km2, and it had a population of 105,341 at the 2010 Census and 123,572 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 124,787. The principal town and administrative centre lies at Saumlaki in Tanimbar Selatan District.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tual</span> City in Maluku, Indonesia

Tual is a city in Maluku Province of Indonesia, geographically located within the Kei Islands. On 17 July 2007, it was separated from the rest of the Kei Islands and was created an independent city.

This is a list of emblems or coat of arms used in Indonesia. Indonesia is divided into 38 provinces, and each province is divided into regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota). There are 416 regencies and 98 cities. Each province, regency, and city has its own emblem.

In Indonesian law, the term "city" is generally defined as the second-level administrative subdivision of the Republic of Indonesia, an equivalent to regency. The difference between a city and a regency is that a city has non-agricultural economic activities and a dense urban population, while a regency comprises predominantly rural areas and is larger in area than a city. However, Indonesia historically had several classifications of cities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Manipa people</span> Ethnic group in Indonesia

Manipa are ethnic group originating from Manipa Island in Maluku, Indonesia. Administratively, the area inhabited by the Manipa people is included in the district of Kepulauan Manipa. This ethnic is related to the Wemale people on the mainland Seram Island, especially on the north coast West Seram.


  1. as at 2018,
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (in Indonesian) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 31 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pembentukan Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya Di Provinsi Maluku Archived 2011-07-21 at the Wayback Machine (Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 Year 2008 on the Establishment of the Southwest Maluku district in Maluku Province)
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (in Indonesian) Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 2 tahun 2019 tentang perubahan nama Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat menjadi Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar di Provinsi Maluku and Penjelasan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 2 tahun 2019 tentang perubahan nama Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat menjadi Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar di Provinsi Maluku
  4. "Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia" . Retrieved 2020-02-25.
  5. "Daftar Desa & Kelurahan di Provinsi Maluku". Kode Pos Indonesia. 2020. Retrieved 2020-02-25.