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Historical community sanitation poster promoting sanitary outhouse designs (Illinois, US, 1940) WPA Outhouse.jpg
Historical community sanitation poster promoting sanitary outhouse designs (Illinois, US, 1940)
Outhouse in the mountains in northern Norway Outhouse in narvik.jpg
Outhouse in the mountains in northern Norway
An outhouse in Le Palais, Brittany WC exterieur, couverture en d'ardoises Le Palais.jpg
An outhouse in Le Palais, Brittany

An outhouse is a small structure, separate from a main building, which covers a toilet. This is typically either a pit latrine or a bucket toilet, but other forms of dry (non-flushing) toilets may be encountered. The term may also be used to denote the toilet itself, not just the structure.


Outhouses were in use in cities of developed countries (e.g. Australia) well into the second half of the twentieth century. They are still common in rural areas and also in cities of developing countries. Outhouses that are covering pit latrines in densely populated areas can cause groundwater pollution.

Design aspects

Common features

Outhouse used by sharecroppers on display, Louisiana State Cotton Museum, Lake Providence Outhouse, Lake Providence, LA IMG 7386.JPG
Outhouse used by sharecroppers on display, Louisiana State Cotton Museum, Lake Providence

Outhouses vary in design and construction. They are by definition outside the dwelling, and are not connected to plumbing, sewer, or septic system. The World Health Organization recommends they be built a reasonable distance from the house balancing issues of easy access versus that of smell. [1]

The superstructure exists to shelter the user, and also to protect the toilet itself. The primary purpose of the building is for privacy and human comfort, and the walls and roof provide a visual screen and some protection from the elements. The outhouse also has the secondary role of protecting the toilet hole from sudden influxes of rainwater, which would flood the hole and flush untreated wastes into the underlying soils before they can decompose.[ citation needed ]

Outhouses are commonly humble and utilitarian, made of lumber or plywood. This is especially so they can easily be moved when the earthen pit fills up. Depending on the size of the pit and the amount of use, this can be fairly frequent, sometimes yearly. As pundit "Jackpine" Bob Cary wrote: "Anyone can build an outhouse, but not everyone can build a good outhouse." [2] Floor plans typically are rectangular or square, but hexagonal outhouses have been built. [3]

The arrangements inside the outhouse vary by culture. In Western societies, many, though not all, have at least one seat with a hole in it, above a small pit. Others, often in more rural, older areas in European countries, simply have a hole with two indents on either side for the user's feet. In Eastern societies, there is a hole in the floor, over which the user crouches. A roll of toilet paper is usually available. Old corn cob, leaves, or other types of paper may instead be used.[ citation needed ]

The decoration on the outhouse door has no standard. The well-known crescent moon on American outhouses was popularized by cartoonists and had a questionable basis in fact. There are authors who claim the practice began during the colonial period as an early "mens"/"ladies" designation for an illiterate populace (the sun and moon being popular symbols for the sexes during those times). [4] Others dismiss the claim as an urban legend. [upper-alpha 1] What is certain is that the purpose of the hole is for venting and light and there were a wide variety of shapes and placements employed.[ citation needed ]

Toilet types covered by outhouse shelters

The shelter may cover very different sorts of toilets.

Pit latrines

Outhouse with squat toilet inside (Poland) Squat outhouse cm01.jpg
Outhouse with squat toilet inside (Poland)

An outhouse often provides the shelter for a pit latrine, which collects human feces in a hole in the ground. When properly built and maintained they can decrease the spread of disease by reducing the amount of human feces in the environment from open defecation. [6] When the pit fills to the top, it should be either emptied or a new pit constructed and the shelter moved or re-built at the new location. [7] The management of the fecal sludge removed from the pit is complicated. There are both environment and health risks if not done properly. As of 2013 pit latrines are used by an estimated 1.77 billion people. [8] This is mostly in the developing world as well as in rural and wilderness areas.[ citation needed ]

Bucket toilet

Another system is the bucket toilet, consisting of a seat and a portable receptacle (bucket or pail). These may be emptied by their owners into composting piles in the garden (a low-tech composting toilet), or collected by contractors for larger-scale disposal. Historically, this was known as the pail closet; the municipality employed workers, often known as "nightmen" (from night soil), to empty and replace the buckets. This system was associated in particular with the English town of Rochdale, to the extent that it was described as the "Rochdale System" of sanitation. [9] [10] 20th century books report that similar systems were in operation in parts of France and elsewhere in continental Europe. [9]

The system of municipal collection was widespread in Australia; "dunny cans" persisted well into the second half of the twentieth century, see below. In Scandinavia and some other countries, outhouses are built over removable containers that enable easy removal of the waste and enable much more rapid composting in separate piles.[ citation needed ] A similar system operates in India, where hundreds of thousands of workers engage in manual scavenging, i.e. emptying pit latrines and bucket toilets without any personal protective equipment. [11] [12] [13]

Drums and barrels in national parks

Log outhouse at a public-use cabin, Chena River State Recreation Area, Alaska North Fork Outhouse.jpg
Log outhouse at a public-use cabin, Chena River State Recreation Area, Alaska

A variety of systems are used in some national parks and popular wilderness areas, to cope with the increased volume of people engaged in activities such as mountaineering and kayaking. The growing popularity of paddling, hiking, and climbing has created special waste disposal issues throughout the world. It is a dominant topic for outdoor organizations and their members. [14] For example, in some places the human waste is collected in drums which need to be helicoptered in and out at considerable expense.

Alternatively, some parks mandate a "pack it in, pack it out" rule. Many reports document the use of containers for the removal of excrement, which must be packed in and packed out on Mount Everest. Also known as "expedition barrels" [15] or "bog barrels", [16] the cans are weighed to make sure that groups do not dump them along the way. [17] "Toilet tents" are erected. [18] [19] There has been an increasing awareness that the mountain needs to be kept clean, for the health of the climbers at least. [15]

Composting toilets

Worm hold privies, another variant of the composting toilet, are being used by Vermont's Green Mountain Club. These simple outhouses are stocked with red worms (a staple used by home composters). [14] Composting toilets are also subject to regulations. [20]

The "Clivus Multrum" is another type of composting toilet which can be inside of an outhouse.[ citation needed ]


There are other types of toilet that may be covered by an outhouse superstructure, or a toilet tent (e.g. in humanitarian relief operations), or even be installed inside a house that is beyond the reach of sewers. The Swedish Pacto toilet uses a continuous roll of plastic to collect and dispose of waste. [21] Incinerating toilets are installed in several thousand cabins in Norway. [22] These toilets incinerate waste into ashes, using only propane and 12 volt battery electricity.[ citation needed ]

Public health issues

Outhouse design, placement, and maintenance has long been recognized as being important to the public health. See posters created by the Works Progress Administration during the 1930s and early 1940s. [23]

Insect control

Some types of flying insects such as the housefly are attracted to the odor of decaying material, and will use it for food for their offspring, laying eggs in the decaying material. Other insects such as mosquitoes seek out standing water that may be present in the pit for the breeding of their offspring.[ citation needed ]

Both of these are undesirable pests to humans, but can be easily controlled without chemicals by enclosing the top of the pit with tight-fitting boards or concrete, using a sufficiently sealed toilet hole cover that is closed after every use, and by using fine-grid insect screen to cover the inlet and outlet vent holes. This prevents flying insect entry by all potential routes.[ citation needed ]

It is common (at least in the United States) for outhouses to have a bucket or a bag of powdered lime with a scoop of some kind in it. Either before or after using the outhouse (usually after but sometimes both) a scoop or two of lime is sprinkled into the lid holes to cover the waste as to suppress the odor which also can help with the insect issues. This method of using powdered lime is also used (and for the same reasons) in common/mass graves.[ citation needed ]


One of the purposes of outhouses is to avoid spreading parasites such as intestinal worms, notably hookworms, which might otherwise be spread via open defecation.[ citation needed ]


Outhouses on mountain peaks


Old outhouse pits are seen as excellent places for archeological and anthropological excavations, offering up a trove of common objects from the pasta veritable inadvertent time capsulewhich yields historical insight into the lives of the bygone occupants. This is also called privy digging. It is especially common to find old bottles, which seemingly were secretly stashed or trashed, so their content could be privately imbibed. [34] [35] [36] Fossilised feces (coprolites) yield much information about diet and health.[ citation needed ]


Norman Park, Queensland, around 1950; like many areas of Brisbane this area was unsewered until the late 1960s
, with each house having an outhouse or "dunny" in the back yard. The little sheds in each back yard are outhouses. BrisbaneSuburbanOuthouses1950.jpg
Norman Park, Queensland, around 1950; like many areas of Brisbane this area was unsewered until the late 1960s , with each house having an outhouse or "dunny" in the back yard. The little sheds in each back yard are outhouses.

"Dunny" or "dunny can" are Australian words for a toilet, particularly an outhouse. For other uses of the word, see Dunny (disambiguation).[ citation needed ]

In suburban areas not connected to the sewerage, outhouses were not always built over pits. Instead, these areas utilized a pail closet, where waste was collected into large cans positioned under the toilet seat, to be collected by contractors (or night soil collectors) hired by property owners or the local council. The used cans were replaced with empty, cleaned cans. Brisbane relied on "dunny carts" until the 1950s; because the population was so dispersed, it was difficult to install sewerage. [37] Tar, creosote, and disinfectant kept the smell down. [38] Academic George Seddon claimed that "the typical Australian back yard in the cities and country towns" had, throughout the first half of the twentieth century, "a dunny against the back fence, so that the pan could be collected from the dunny lane through a trap-door". [39] The person who appeared weekly to empty the buckets beneath the seats was known as the "dunnyman", see gong farmer.[ citation needed ]

The "dunny lanes" provided access to collectors. These access lanes can now be worth considerable sums [40] see Ransom strip.

The Great Australian Dunny Race has become an icon during the Weerama Festival at Werribee. [41]


The remains of a thousand year old Viking outhouse were discovered in 2017. This is the oldest known outhouse in the country, even though evidence cannot establish it to be "the first". This discovery was considered to be culturally significant. [upper-alpha 2]

United States

Eight-seat stone outhouse at the Thomas Leiper Estate near Wallingford, Pennsylvania Thomas Leiper Estate 8 seater.jpg
Eight-seat stone outhouse at the Thomas Leiper Estate near Wallingford, Pennsylvania
A brick outhouse at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest estate near Lynchburg, Virginia Poplar Forest6.jpg
A brick outhouse at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest estate near Lynchburg, Virginia

Outhouses are typically built on one level, but two-story models are to be found in unusual circumstances. One double-decker was built to serve a two-story building in Cedar Lake, Michigan. The outhouse was connected by walkways. It still stands (but not the building). [upper-alpha 3] The waste from "upstairs" is directed down a chute separate from the "downstairs" facility in these instances, so contrary to various jokes about two-story outhouses, the user of the lower level has nothing to fear if the upper level is in use at the same time. The Boston Exchange Coffee House (1809–1818) was equipped with a four-story outhouse [44] with windows on each floor. [45]

Some outhouses were built surprisingly ornately, considering the time and the place. [46] For example, an opulent 19th century antebellum example (a three-holer) is at the plantation area at the state park in Stone Mountain, Georgia. [47] The outhouses of Colonial Williamsburg varied widely, from simple expendable temporary wood structures to high-style brick. [48] Thomas Jefferson designed and had built two brick octagons at his vacation home. [48] Such outhouses are sometimes considered to be overbuilt, impractical and ostentatious, giving rise to the simile "built like a brick shithouse." That phrase's meaning and application is subject to some debate; but (depending upon the country) it has been applied to men, women, or inanimate objects.[ citation needed ]

With regards to anal cleansing, old newspapers and mail order catalogs, such as those from Montgomery Ward or Sears Roebuck, were common before toilet paper was widely available. The Old Farmer's Almanac, manufactured with a hole drilled through it to allow easy hanging on a nail, was popular. Paper was often kept in a can or other container to protect it from mice, etc. The catalogs served a dual purpose, also giving one something to read. [49]

Society and culture


Outdoor toilets are referred to by many terms throughout the English-speaking world. [upper-alpha 4] The term "outhouse" is used in North American English for the structure over a toilet, usually a pit latrine ("long drop"). However, in British English "outhouse" means any outbuilding, such as a shed or barn.[ citation needed ]

In Australia and parts of Canada an outdoor toilet is known as a "dunny". "Privy", an archaic variant of "private", is used in North America, Scotland, and northern England. "Bog" is common throughout Britain (used to coin the neologism "tree bog") and is also used informally in Britain, as well as Canada and Australia to refer to any toilet. The name "little house" [50] (as tŷ bach) continues as a euphemism for any toilet in both the Welsh language and the Welsh English dialect. Other terms include "back house", "house of ease", and "house of office". The last was common in 17th-century England and appeared in Samuel Pepys's Diary on numerous occasions. [52]

A regional name for an outhouse in North America used especially in Virginia is "johnnyhouse" or "johnny house". [53] [54] [55] In the Scouting Movement in North America, a widespread term for outhouse is "kybo". This appears to have originated from camps which used Kybo brand coffee cans to hold lye or lime which was sprinkled down the hole to reduce odor. "Keep Your Bowels Open" may be a backronym. [56] [57] Temporary encampments may use a tent or tarpaulin over a shallow pit; one name for this is a "hudo".[ citation needed ]

IIn Poland the outdoor toilets are commonly called "Sławojka", a name that refers to the former Prime Minister Felicjan Sławoj Składkowski who used to monitor scrupulously the implementation of the provisions the construction law of 1928, which imposed i.a. the obligation outdoor toilet pits to have walls.

It is not easy to determine whether a given term was restricted to an outdoor toilet, or whether the meaning had extended, over time and with the development of indoor plumbing, to any toilet.[ citation needed ]


Tsi-Ku, also known as Tsi Ku Niang, is described as the Chinese goddess of the outhouse and divination. It is said that a woman could uncover the future by going to the outhouse to ask Tsi-Ku. [58] [59] See toilet god.


United States

Construction and maintenance of outhouses in the US is subject to state and local governmental restriction, regulation and prohibition. [60] It is potentially both a public health issue, which has been addressed both by law and by education of the public as to good methods and practices (e.g., separation from drinking water sources). This also becomes a more prevalent issue as urban and suburban development encroaches on rural areas, [61] and is an external manifestation of a deeper cultural conflict. [62] See also urban sprawl, urban planning, regional planning, suburbanization, urbanization and counterurbanization.

Songs, poems and stories

Races and pranks

See also


  1. Discussion of outhouses as vernacular architecture (including crescent moon folklore), from the Missouri Folklore Society. [5]
  2. "Toilets were important enough to the Vikings that there are references to them in Viking literature. Medieval scholar Sarah Künzler, of Trinity College, Dublin, notes that Old Norse has several words for outhouse, including garðhús (yard house), náð-/náða-hús (house of rest), and annat hús (the other house). Künzler writes that these words '[confirm] the notion that a separate house was built as a privy.'" [42]
  3. Cedar Lake, Michigan. [43]
  4. For a full list of synonyms, see "bathroom" at Wikisaurus.

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Latrine</span> Toilet or an even simpler facility that is used as a toilet within a sanitation system

A latrine is a toilet or an even simpler facility that is used as a toilet within a sanitation system. For example, it can be a communal trench in the earth in a camp to be used as emergency sanitation, a hole in the ground, or more advanced designs, including pour-flush systems.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Composting toilet</span> Type of toilet that treats human excreta by a biological process called composting

A composting toilet is a type of dry toilet that treats human waste by a biological process called composting. This process leads to the decomposition of organic matter and turns human waste into compost-like material. Composting is carried out by microorganisms under controlled aerobic conditions. Most composting toilets use no water for flushing and are therefore called "dry toilets".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Night soil</span> Archaic term for excreta from latrines

Night soil is a historically used euphemism for human excreta collected from cesspools, privies, pail closets, pit latrines, privy middens, septic tanks, etc. This material was removed from the immediate area, usually at night, by workers employed in this trade. Sometimes it could be transported out of towns and sold on as a fertilizer.

Human waste refers to the waste products of the human digestive system, menses, and human metabolism including urine and feces. As part of a sanitation system that is in place, human waste is collected, transported, treated and disposed of or reused by one method or another, depending on the type of toilet being used, ability by the users to pay for services and other factors. Fecal sludge management is used to deal with fecal matter collected in on-site sanitation systems such as pit latrines and septic tanks.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pit latrine</span> Toilet that collects human waste in a hole in the ground

A pit latrine, also known as pit toilet, is a type of toilet that collects human waste in a hole in the ground. Urine and feces enter the pit through a drop hole in the floor, which might be connected to a toilet seat or squatting pan for user comfort. Pit latrines can be built to function without water or they can have a water seal. When properly built and maintained, pit latrines can decrease the spread of disease by reducing the amount of human feces in the environment from open defecation. This decreases the transfer of pathogens between feces and food by flies. These pathogens are major causes of infectious diarrhea and intestinal worm infections. Infectious diarrhea resulted in about 700,000 deaths in children under five years old in 2011 and 250 million lost school days. Pit latrines are a low-cost method of separating feces from people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chemical toilet</span> A toilet that collects human excreta in a holding tank and uses chemicals to minimize odors

A chemical toilet collects human excreta in a holding tank and uses chemicals to minimize odors. They do not require a connection to a water supply and are used in a variety of situations. These toilets are usually, but not always, self-contained and movable. A chemical toilet is structured around a relatively small tank, which requires frequent emptying. It is not connected to a hole in the ground, nor to a septic tank, nor is it plumbed into a municipal system leading to a sewage treatment plant. When the tank is emptied, the contents are usually pumped into a sanitary sewer or directly to a treatment plant.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bucket toilet</span> Basic form of a dry toilet with a bucket

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Manual scavenging</span> Term used mainly in India

Manual scavenging is a term used mainly in India for "manually cleaning, carrying, disposing of, or otherwise handling, human excreta in an insanitary latrine or in an open drain or sewer or in a septic tank or a pit". Manual scavengers usually use hand tools such as buckets, brooms and shovels. The workers have to move the excreta, using brooms and tin plates, into baskets, which they carry to disposal locations sometimes several kilometers away. The practice of employing human labour for cleaning of sewers and septic tanks is also prevalent in Bangladesh and Pakistan. These sanitation workers, called "manual scavengers", rarely have any personal protective equipment. The work is regarded as a dehumanizing practice.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Honeywagon (vehicle)</span> Vehicle carrying human excreta

A honeywagon or honeycart is the slang term for a "vacuum truck" for collecting and carrying human excreta. These vehicles may be used to empty the sewage tanks of buildings, aircraft lavatories, passenger train toilets and at campgrounds and marinas as well as portable toilets. The folk etymology behind the name 'honeywagon' is thought to relate to the honey-colored liquid that comes out of it when emptying the holding tanks.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sustainable sanitation</span> Sanitation system designed to meet certain criteria and to work well over the long-term

Sustainable sanitation is a sanitation system designed to meet certain criteria and to work well over the long-term. Sustainable sanitation systems consider the entire "sanitation value chain", from the experience of the user, excreta and wastewater collection methods, transportation or conveyance of waste, treatment, and reuse or disposal. The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) includes five features in its definition of "sustainable sanitation": Systems need to be economically and socially acceptable, technically and institutionally appropriate and protect the environment and natural resources.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Toilet</span> Piece of hardware for the collection or disposal of human excreta

A toilet is a piece of sanitary hardware that collects human urine and feces, and sometimes toilet paper, usually for disposal. Flush toilets use water, while dry or non-flush toilets do not. They can be designed for a sitting position popular in Europe and North America with a toilet seat, with additional considerations for those with disabilities, or for a squatting posture more popular in Asia, known as a squat toilet. In urban areas, flush toilets are usually connected to a sewer system; in isolated areas, to a septic tank. The waste is known as blackwater and the combined effluent, including other sources, is sewage. Dry toilets are connected to a pit, removable container, composting chamber, or other storage and treatment device, including urine diversion with a urine-diverting toilet.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Arborloo</span> Composting toilet

An arborloo is a simple type of composting toilet in which feces are collected in a shallow pit and a fruit tree is later planted in the fertile soil of the full pit. Arborloos have: a pit like a pit latrine but less deep; a concrete, ferrocement or other strong floor; a superstructure to provide privacy; and possibly a ring beam to protect the pit from collapsing. The pit should remain well above the water table in the soil, so as to not contaminate groundwater.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vacuum truck</span> Tank truck with a pump designed to load material through suction lines

A vacuum truck, vacuum tanker, vactor truck, vactor, vac-con truck, vac-con is a tank truck that has a pump and a tank. The pump is designed to pneumatically suck liquids, sludges, slurries, or the like from a location into the tank of the truck. The objective is to enable transport of the liquid material via road to another location. Vacuum trucks transport the collected material to a treatment or disposal site, for example a sewage treatment plant.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pail closet</span> Room used to dispose of human excreta

A pail closet or pail privy or dirt closet was a room used for the disposal of human excreta, under the "pail system" of waste removal. The "closet" was a small outhouse (privy) which contained a seat, underneath which a portable receptacle was placed. This bucket (pail), into which the user would defecate, was removed and emptied by the local authority on a regular basis. The contents, known euphemistically as night soil, would either be incinerated or composted into fertiliser.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Urine diversion</span> Separate collection of human urine and feces at the point of their production

Urine diversion, also called urine separation or source separation, refers to the separate collection of human urine and feces at the point of their production, i.e. at the toilet or urinal. Separation of urine from feces allows human waste to be treated separately and used as a potential resource. Applications are typically found where connection to a sewer-based sanitation system is not available or areas where water supplies are limited.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dry toilet</span> Toilet that operates without flush water

A dry toilet is a toilet which, unlike a flush toilet, does not use flush water. Dry toilets do not use water to move excreta along or block odors. They do not produce sewage, and are not connected to a sewer system or septic tank. Instead, excreta falls through a drop hole.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Urine-diverting dry toilet</span> Dry toilet with separate collection of feces and urine without any flush water

A urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT) is a type of dry toilet with urine diversion that can be used to provide safe, affordable sanitation in a variety of contexts worldwide. The separate collection of feces and urine without any flush water has many advantages, such as odor-free operation and pathogen reduction by drying. While dried feces and urine harvested from UDDTs can be and routinely are used in agriculture, many UDDT installations do not apply any sort of recovery scheme. The UDDT is an example of a technology that can be used to achieve a sustainable sanitation system. This dry excreta management system is an alternative to pit latrines and flush toilets, especially where water is scarce, a connection to a sewer system and centralized wastewater treatment plant is not feasible or desired, fertilizer and soil conditioner are needed for agriculture, or groundwater pollution should be minimized.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fecal sludge management</span> Collection, transport, and treatment of fecal sludge from onsite sanitation systems

Fecal sludge management (FSM) is the storage, collection, transport, treatment and safe end use or disposal of fecal sludge. Together, the collection, transport, treatment and end use of fecal sludge constitute the "value chain" or "service chain" of fecal sludge management. Fecal sludge is defined very broadly as what accumulates in onsite sanitation systems and specifically is not transported through a sewer. It is composed of human excreta, but also anything else that may go into an onsite containment technology, such as flushwater, cleansing materials, menstrual hygiene products, grey water, and solid waste. Fecal sludge that is removed from septic tanks is called septage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Container-based sanitation</span> Sanitation system which uses removable containers

Container-based sanitation refers to a sanitation system where toilets collect human excreta in sealable, removable containers that are transported to treatment facilities. This type of sanitation involves a commercial service which provides certain types of portable toilets, and delivers empty containers when picking up full ones. The service transports and safely disposes of or reuses collected excreta. The cost of collection of excreta is usually borne by the users. With suitable development, support and functioning partnerships, CBS can be used to provide low-income urban populations with safe collection, transport and treatment of excrement at a lower cost than installing and maintaining sewers. In most cases, CBS is based on the use of urine-diverting dry toilets.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emergency sanitation</span> Management and technical processes required to provide sanitation in emergency situations

Emergency sanitation is the management and technical processes required to provide sanitation in emergency situations. Emergency sanitation is required during humanitarian relief operations for refugees, people affected by natural disasters and internally displaced persons. There are three phases of emergency response: Immediate, short term and long term. In the immediate phase, the focus is on managing open defecation, and toilet technologies might include very basic latrines, pit latrines, bucket toilets, container-based toilets, chemical toilets. The short term phase might also involve technologies such as urine-diverting dry toilets, septic tanks, decentralized wastewater systems. Providing handwashing facilities and management of fecal sludge are also part of emergency sanitation.



  1. "Simple pit latrines". WHO. 1996. Archived from the original on 19 December 2012. Retrieved 2 August 2016.
  2. Cary, "Jackpine" Bob (2003). The All-American Outhouse–Stories, Design & Construction (print). Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications. ISBN   978-1-59193-011-2.
  3. "Sewer History: Photos and Graphics".
  4. Adams, Cecil (January 9, 1987). "The Straight Dope: Why do outhouse doors have half-moons on them?". Archived from the original on January 6, 2009. Retrieved July 19, 2004.
  5. "Missouri Outhouses". Missouri Folklore Society. Archived from the original on February 28, 2015. Retrieved November 27, 2014.
  6. "Call to action on sanitation" (PDF). United Nations. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 August 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
  7. François Brikké (2003). Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation (PDF). World Health Organization. p. 108. ISBN   978-9241562157.
  8. Graham, JP; Polizzotto, ML (May 2013). "Pit latrines and their impacts on groundwater quality: a systematic review". Environmental Health Perspectives. 121 (5): 521–30. doi:10.1289/ehp.1206028. PMC   3673197 . PMID   23518813.
  9. 1 2 Prescott Falwell, A (1901). The designing, Construction, and Maintenance of Sewerage Systems. John Wiley & Sons.
  10. Dr Leslie Rosenthal (28 April 2014). The River Pollution Dilemma in Victorian England: Nuisance Law versus Economic Efficiency. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. pp. 25–26. ISBN   978-1-4724-0420-6.
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  13. Umesh IsalkarUmesh Isalkar, TNN (30 April 2013). "Census raises stink over manual scavenging". The Times of India. Retrieved 6 September 2015.
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  18. "Paul & Fi's Mount Everest Climb". Archived from the original on 2007-11-13.
  19. "Adventure Peaks Mt Everest 2004 Expedition".
  20. 'See Composting toilets bring the outhouse indoors — JSCMS Archived August 17, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
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  22. "Cinderella Gas". Archived from the original on 2013-08-10.
  23. "Library of Congress, American Memory Historical Collections for the National Digital Library, Reproduction Number LC-USZC2-1592 DLC".
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  25. "FresnoBee.com: Outdoors: A new approach to Whitney's waste". Fresno Bee .[ dead link ]
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