List of municipalities in Vermont

Last updated

Municipalities of Vermont
Vermont Municipal Map.svg
Category Municipality
Location State of Vermont
Found in County
Populations70 (Victory) – 44,743 (Burlington)
Areas1.5 square miles (3.9 km2) (Winooski) –
73.8 square miles (191 km2) ( data-sort-value="Chittenden" |Chittenden)

The U.S. state of Vermont is divided into 247 municipalities, including 237 towns and 10 cities. Vermont also has 9 unincorporated areas, split between 5 unincorporated towns and 4 gores. As of 2024, Vermont has 30 incorporated villages, which are municipal governments operating within a town and providing additional services.


Orwell Town Hall
2004-02-25 - 07 - Stowe Town Hall.jpg
Stowe Town Hall
Calais town hall vermont.jpg
Calais Town Hall


Cities in Vermont are municipalities with the city form of government. Vermont has ten cities with a combined area of 80.2 sq mi (208 km2), or 0.8% of the state's total area.[ citation needed ]

According to the 2020 census, 119,299 people, or 18.54% of the state's population, resided in Vermont's cities (excluding Essex Junction, which incorporated in 2022). Six of Vermont's 14 counties have at least one city within their borders. Five cities serve as the county seats for their respective counties and are indicated below with an asterisk (*).

Towns in Vermont are municipalities that typically incorporate the town meeting format into their government

In some cases, a town and city have the same name, such as Barre City which is almost entirely surrounded by the separate municipality of Barre Town.

Downtown Rutland, Vermont.jpg
The downtown area of Rutland, Vermont's third largest city
The downtown area of Montpelier, Vermont's capital city

List of municipalities


(2020) [1]

Land areaYear


Burlington City Chittenden (seat)44,74315.49 sq mi (40.1 km2)1864
South Burlington CityChittenden20,29229.58 sq mi (76.6 km2)1971
Colchester TownChittenden17,52458.57 sq mi (151.7 km2)
Rutland City Rutland (seat)15,8077.68 sq mi (19.9 km2)1892
Bennington Town Bennington (seat)15,33342.50 sq mi (110.1 km2)
Brattleboro TownWindham12,18432.41 sq mi (83.9 km2)
Essex TownChittenden11,54039.32 sq mi (101.8 km2)
Milton TownChittenden10,72360.89 sq mi (157.7 km2)
Hartford TownWindsor10,68645.88 sq mi (118.8 km2)
Essex Junction CityChittenden10,5904.74 sq mi (12.3 km2)2022
Williston TownChittenden10,10330.58 sq mi (79.2 km2)
Middlebury Town Addison (seat)9,15239.22 sq mi (101.6 km2)
Springfield TownWindsor9,06249.44 sq mi (128.0 km2)
Barre CityWashington8,4913.98 sq mi (10.3 km2)1895
Montpelier City (capital) Washington (seat)8,07410.25 sq mi (26.5 km2)1895
Winooski CityChittenden7,9971.51 sq mi (3.9 km2)1921
Barre TownWashington7,92330.72 sq mi (79.6 km2)
Shelburne TownChittenden7,71745.07 sq mi (116.7 km2)
St. Johnsbury Town Caledonia (seat)7,36436.74 sq mi (95.2 km2)
St. Albans TownFranklin6,98860.53 sq mi (156.8 km2)
St. Albans City Franklin (seat)6,8872.03 sq mi (5.3 km2)1902
Swanton TownFranklin6,70161.67 sq mi (159.7 km2)
Northfield TownWashington5,91843.63 sq mi (113.0 km2)
Lyndon TownCaledonia5,49139.82 sq mi (103.1 km2)
Morristown TownLamoille5,43451.68 sq mi (133.9 km2)
Waterbury TownWashington5,33149.76 sq mi (128.9 km2)
Stowe TownLamoille5,22372.76 sq mi (188.4 km2)
Jericho TownChittenden5,10435.55 sq mi (92.1 km2)
Fairfax TownFranklin5,01440.43 sq mi (104.7 km2)
Georgia TownFranklin4,84545.22 sq mi (117.1 km2)
Rockingham TownWindham4,83242.23 sq mi (109.4 km2)
Randolph TownOrange4,77448.20 sq mi (124.8 km2)
Hinesburg TownChittenden4,69839.83 sq mi (103.2 km2)
Derby TownOrleans4,57957.60 sq mi (149.2 km2)
Manchester TownBennington (seat)4,48442.25 sq mi (109.4 km2)
Castleton TownRutland4,45842.35 sq mi (109.7 km2)
Newport City Orleans (seat)4,4557.63 sq mi (19.8 km2)1917
Richmond TownChittenden4,16732.75 sq mi (84.8 km2)
Brandon TownRutland4,12940.14 sq mi (104.0 km2)
Rutland TownRutland3,92419.34 sq mi (50.1 km2)
Cambridge TownLamoille3,83963.69 sq mi (165.0 km2)
Charlotte TownChittenden3,78350.36 sq mi (130.4 km2)
Bristol TownAddison3,78242.18 sq mi (109.2 km2)
Norwich TownWindsor3,61244.68 sq mi (115.7 km2)
Shaftsbury TownBennington3,59843.18 sq mi (111.8 km2)
Windsor TownWindsor3,55919.75 sq mi (51.2 km2)
Williamstown TownOrange3,51540.45 sq mi (104.8 km2)
Johnson TownLamoille3,49145.09 sq mi (116.8 km2)
Highgate TownFranklin3,47259.74 sq mi (154.7 km2)
Hartland TownWindsor3,44645.20 sq mi (117.1 km2)
Pownal TownBennington3,25846.73 sq mi (121.0 km2)
Underhill TownChittenden3,12951.40 sq mi (133.1 km2)
Hyde Park Town Lamoille (seat)3,02038.93 sq mi (100.8 km2)
Poultney TownRutland3,02043.96 sq mi (113.9 km2)
Westminster TownWindham3,01646.09 sq mi (119.4 km2)
Chester TownWindsor3,00555.94 sq mi (144.9 km2)
Woodstock Town Windsor (seat)3,00544.64 sq mi (115.6 km2)
Hardwick TownCaledonia2,92039.02 sq mi (101.1 km2)
Barton TownOrleans2,87244.88 sq mi (116.2 km2)
Pittsford TownRutland2,86243.58 sq mi (112.9 km2)
Berlin TownWashington2,84936.94 sq mi (95.7 km2)
Weathersfield TownWindsor2,84244.20 sq mi (114.5 km2)
Enosburgh TownFranklin2,81048.72 sq mi (126.2 km2)
Bradford TownOrange2,79029.84 sq mi (77.3 km2)
Thetford TownOrange2,77544.43 sq mi (115.1 km2)
Royalton TownWindsor2,75040.93 sq mi (106.0 km2)
Fair Haven TownRutland2,73618.15 sq mi (47.0 km2)
Ferrisburgh TownAddison2,64661.16 sq mi (158.4 km2)
Putney TownWindham2,61726.83 sq mi (69.5 km2)
East Montpelier TownWashington2,59832.12 sq mi (83.2 km2)
Vergennes CityAddison2,5532.51 sq mi (6.5 km2)1788
Arlington TownBennington2,45742.43 sq mi (109.9 km2)
Clarendon TownRutland2,41231.52 sq mi (81.6 km2)
Richford TownFranklin2,34643.29 sq mi (112.1 km2)
Danville TownCaledonia2,33561.13 sq mi (158.3 km2)
Newbury TownOrange2,29364.81 sq mi (167.9 km2)
Wilmington TownWindham2,25541.71 sq mi (108.0 km2)
West Rutland TownRutland2,21417.98 sq mi (46.6 km2)
Vernon TownWindham2,19220.06 sq mi (52.0 km2)
Ludlow TownWindsor2,17235.70 sq mi (92.5 km2)
Sheldon TownFranklin2,13639.54 sq mi (102.4 km2)
Dorset TownBennington2,13347.88 sq mi (124.0 km2)
Wallingford TownRutland2,12943.44 sq mi (112.5 km2)
Guilford TownWindham2,12039.96 sq mi (103.5 km2)
Alburgh TownGrand Isle2,10648.82 sq mi (126.4 km2)
Grand Isle TownGrand Isle2,08635.13 sq mi (91.0 km2)
Monkton TownAddison2,07936.24 sq mi (93.9 km2)
Westford TownChittenden2,06239.29 sq mi (101.8 km2)
Fairfield TownFranklin2,04468.50 sq mi (177.4 km2)
Warren TownWashington1,97739.98 sq mi (103.5 km2)
Bethel TownWindsor1,94245.44 sq mi (117.7 km2)
Huntington TownChittenden1,93438.04 sq mi (98.5 km2)
Londonderry TownWindham1,91935.90 sq mi (93.0 km2)
Dummerston TownWindham1,86530.83 sq mi (79.8 km2)
Waitsfield TownWashington1,84426.90 sq mi (69.7 km2)
Dover TownWindham1,79835.33 sq mi (91.5 km2)
Middlesex TownWashington1,77939.87 sq mi (103.3 km2)
Proctor TownRutland1,7637.60 sq mi (19.7 km2)
Starksboro TownAddison1,75645.87 sq mi (118.8 km2)
Moretown TownWashington1,75340.21 sq mi (104.1 km2)
Marlboro TownWindham1,72240.65 sq mi (105.3 km2)
Troy TownOrleans1,72236.05 sq mi (93.4 km2)
New Haven TownAddison1,68341.54 sq mi (107.6 km2)
South Hero TownGrand Isle1,67447.49 sq mi (123.0 km2)
Wolcott TownLamoille1,67039.13 sq mi (101.3 km2)
Barnet TownCaledonia1,66343.58 sq mi (112.9 km2)
Calais TownWashington1,66138.56 sq mi (99.9 km2)
Burke TownCaledonia1,65134.03 sq mi (88.1 km2)
Newfane Town Windham (seat)1,64540.52 sq mi (104.9 km2)
Marshfield TownWashington1,58343.43 sq mi (112.5 km2)
Sharon TownWindsor1,56040.16 sq mi (104.0 km2)
Berkshire TownFranklin1,54742.23 sq mi (109.4 km2)
Newport TownOrleans1,52643.52 sq mi (112.7 km2)
Corinth TownOrange1,45548.55 sq mi (125.7 km2)
Cabot TownWashington1,44338.53 sq mi (99.8 km2)
Pawlet TownRutland1,42442.90 sq mi (111.1 km2)
Duxbury TownWashington1,41343.10 sq mi (111.6 km2)
Killington TownRutland1,40746.86 sq mi (121.4 km2)
Cavendish TownWindsor1,39239.71 sq mi (102.8 km2)
Mount Holly TownRutland1,38549.57 sq mi (128.4 km2)
Addison TownAddison1,36548.93 sq mi (126.7 km2)
Fayston TownWashington1,36436.45 sq mi (94.4 km2)
Franklin TownFranklin1,36340.76 sq mi (105.6 km2)
Fletcher TownFranklin1,34638.00 sq mi (98.4 km2)
West Windsor TownWindsor1,34424.73 sq mi (64.1 km2)
Whitingham TownWindham1,34438.87 sq mi (100.7 km2)
Craftsbury TownOrleans1,34339.76 sq mi (103.0 km2)
Eden TownLamoille1,33864.29 sq mi (166.5 km2)
Tunbridge TownOrange1,33744.72 sq mi (115.8 km2)
Lincoln TownAddison1,32344.60 sq mi (115.5 km2)
Bolton TownChittenden1,30142.53 sq mi (110.2 km2)
Townshend TownWindham1,29142.67 sq mi (110.5 km2)
Danby TownRutland1,28441.54 sq mi (107.6 km2)
Bakersfield TownFranklin1,27344.63 sq mi (115.6 km2)
Waterford TownCaledonia1,26839.74 sq mi (102.9 km2)
Shoreham TownAddison1,26046.39 sq mi (120.1 km2)
Lunenburg TownEssex1,24645.78 sq mi (118.6 km2)
Brookfield TownOrange1,24441.15 sq mi (106.6 km2)
Orwell TownAddison1,23949.67 sq mi (128.6 km2)
Chittenden TownRutland1,23773.80 sq mi (191.1 km2)
Plainfield TownWashington1,23621.05 sq mi (54.5 km2)
Chelsea Town Orange (seat)1,23339.94 sq mi (103.4 km2)
Irasburg TownOrleans1,23340.58 sq mi (105.1 km2)
Bridport TownAddison1,22546.31 sq mi (119.9 km2)
Salisbury TownAddison1,22130.02 sq mi (77.8 km2)
Wells TownRutland1,21422.99 sq mi (59.5 km2)
Braintree TownOrange1,20738.39 sq mi (99.4 km2)
Cornwall TownAddison1,20728.61 sq mi (74.1 km2)
Topsham TownOrange1,19948.99 sq mi (126.9 km2)
Montgomery TownFranklin1,18456.70 sq mi (146.9 km2)
Winhall TownBennington1,18244.02 sq mi (114.0 km2)
Ryegate TownCaledonia1,16536.77 sq mi (95.2 km2)
Brighton TownEssex1,15753.34 sq mi (138.1 km2)
Mendon TownRutland1,14938.09 sq mi (98.7 km2)
Concord TownEssex1,14153.52 sq mi (138.6 km2)
Glover TownOrleans1,11438.61 sq mi (100.0 km2)
Coventry TownOrleans1,10027.67 sq mi (71.7 km2)
Rochester TownWindsor1,09957.38 sq mi (148.6 km2)
Shrewsbury TownRutland1,09650.17 sq mi (129.9 km2)
Strafford TownOrange1,09444.30 sq mi (114.7 km2)
Sunderland TownBennington1,05645.65 sq mi (118.2 km2)
Orange TownOrange1,04839.01 sq mi (101.0 km2)
Brownington TownOrleans1,04228.45 sq mi (73.7 km2)
Washington TownOrange1,03238.87 sq mi (100.7 km2)
Charleston TownOrleans1,02138.82 sq mi (100.5 km2)
Jamaica TownWindham1,00549.46 sq mi (128.1 km2)
Barnard TownWindsor99248.89 sq mi (126.6 km2)
Leicester TownAddison99021.78 sq mi (56.4 km2)
Fairlee TownOrange98821.25 sq mi (55.0 km2)
Groton TownCaledonia98454.96 sq mi (142.3 km2)
Albany TownOrleans97638.67 sq mi (100.2 km2)
Benson TownRutland97445.52 sq mi (117.9 km2)
Worcester TownWashington96438.83 sq mi (100.6 km2)
Walden TownCaledonia95638.94 sq mi (100.9 km2)
North Hero Town Grand Isle (seat)93946.57 sq mi (120.6 km2)
Woodbury TownWashington92839.10 sq mi (101.3 km2)
Pomfret TownWindsor91639.47 sq mi (102.2 km2)
Sutton TownCaledonia91338.37 sq mi (99.4 km2)
Bridgewater TownWindsor90349.54 sq mi (128.3 km2)
Canaan TownEssex89633.43 sq mi (86.6 km2)
Lowell TownOrleans88756.08 sq mi (145.2 km2)
Elmore TownLamoille88639.58 sq mi (102.5 km2)
Wardsboro TownWindham86929.23 sq mi (75.7 km2)
Stamford TownBennington86139.62 sq mi (102.6 km2)
Weybridge TownAddison81417.61 sq mi (45.6 km2)
Greensboro TownOrleans81139.39 sq mi (102.0 km2)
Middletown Springs TownRutland79422.32 sq mi (57.8 km2)
St. George TownChittenden7943.56 sq mi (9.2 km2)
Halifax TownWindham77139.81 sq mi (103.1 km2)
Wheelock TownCaledonia75939.82 sq mi (103.1 km2)
Ripton TownAddison73949.86 sq mi (129.1 km2)
Hubbardton TownRutland73528.84 sq mi (74.7 km2)
Stockbridge TownWindsor71846.17 sq mi (119.6 km2)
Peacham TownCaledonia71547.68 sq mi (123.5 km2)
Readsboro TownBennington70236.48 sq mi (94.5 km2)
Rupert TownBennington69844.60 sq mi (115.5 km2)
Reading TownWindsor68741.65 sq mi (107.9 km2)
Waterville TownLamoille68616.40 sq mi (42.5 km2)
Sheffield TownCaledonia68232.77 sq mi (84.9 km2)
Roxbury TownWashington67842.03 sq mi (108.9 km2)
Vershire TownOrange67236.54 sq mi (94.6 km2)
Panton TownAddison64622.06 sq mi (57.1 km2)
Grafton TownWindham64538.37 sq mi (99.4 km2)
Plymouth TownWindsor64148.68 sq mi (126.1 km2)
Morgan TownOrleans63833.82 sq mi (87.6 km2)
Holland TownOrleans63238.08 sq mi (98.6 km2)
Weston TownWindsor62335.17 sq mi (91.1 km2)
West Fairlee TownOrange62122.82 sq mi (59.1 km2)
Newark TownCaledonia58437.21 sq mi (96.4 km2)
Kirby TownCaledonia57524.42 sq mi (63.2 km2)
Andover TownWindsor56828.78 sq mi (74.5 km2)
Tinmouth TownRutland55328.72 sq mi (74.4 km2)
Jay TownOrleans55133.97 sq mi (88.0 km2)
Sudbury TownRutland54522.22 sq mi (57.5 km2)
Brookline TownWindham54012.90 sq mi (33.4 km2)
Westfield TownOrleans53440.20 sq mi (104.1 km2)
Peru TownBennington53137.34 sq mi (96.7 km2)
Pittsfield TownRutland50420.46 sq mi (53.0 km2)
Isle La Motte TownGrand Isle48816.66 sq mi (43.1 km2)
Windham TownWindham44926.10 sq mi (67.6 km2)
Waltham TownAddison4469.06 sq mi (23.5 km2)
Stratton TownWindham44046.89 sq mi (121.4 km2)
Whiting TownAddison40513.70 sq mi (35.5 km2)
Sandgate TownBennington38742.20 sq mi (109.3 km2)
Athens TownWindham38013.12 sq mi (34.0 km2)
Ira TownRutland36822.78 sq mi (59.0 km2)
Hancock TownAddison35938.13 sq mi (98.8 km2)
Belvidere TownLamoille35832.14 sq mi (83.2 km2)
Westmore TownOrleans35737.39 sq mi (96.8 km2)
Woodford TownBennington35547.59 sq mi (123.3 km2)
Granville TownAddison30151.51 sq mi (133.4 km2)
East Haven TownEssex27037.41 sq mi (96.9 km2)
Guildhall Town Essex (seat)26233.09 sq mi (85.7 km2)
West Haven TownRutland23928.47 sq mi (73.7 km2)
Baltimore TownWindsor2294.66 sq mi (12.1 km2)
Bloomfield TownEssex21740.54 sq mi (105.0 km2)
Maidstone TownEssex21132.30 sq mi (83.7 km2)
Mount Tabor TownRutland21043.81 sq mi (113.5 km2)
Stannard TownCaledonia20812.51 sq mi (32.4 km2)
Landgrove TownBennington1779.17 sq mi (23.8 km2)
Goshen TownAddison17220.81 sq mi (53.9 km2)
Norton TownEssex15339.62 sq mi (102.6 km2)
Searsburg TownBennington12621.57 sq mi (55.9 km2)
Brunswick TownEssex8826.00 sq mi (67.3 km2)
Lemington TownEssex8735.52 sq mi (92.0 km2)
Granby TownEssex8139.13 sq mi (101.3 km2)
Victory TownEssex7043.00 sq mi (111.4 km2)

Unincorporated areas

Unincorporated towns in Vermont are towns that had their charters revoked by the Vermont legislature or never formally organized due to lack of residents. Towns in name only, their affairs are managed by a state-appointed supervisor and not by a local government.

Gores in Vermont are seen as an unincorporated area of a county that is not part of any town, has limited self-government, and may be unpopulated. Vermont has 4 current gores.

AreaTypeCounty2020 Population [2] Area in Square Miles (km2) [3]
Buels Gore GoreChittenden295.0 sq mi (13.1 km2)
Averill Unincorporated TownEssex2138.07 sq mi (98.6 km2)
Ferdinand Unincorporated TownEssex1652.81 sq mi (136.8 km2)
Glastenbury Unincorporated TownBennington944.45 sq mi (115.1 km2)
Somerset Unincorporated TownWindham628.13 sq mi (72.9 km2)
Lewis Unincorporated TownEssex239.66 sq mi (102.7 km2)
Warren's Gore GoreEssex211.6 sq mi (30.0 km2)
Averys Gore GoreEssex017.6 sq mi (45.6 km2)
Warner's Grant GoreEssex03.2 sq mi (8.2 km2)


In the U.S. state of Vermont, villages are named communities located within the boundaries of a town. Villages may be incorporated or unincorporated.

An incorporated village is a defined area within a town that was either granted a village charter by a special act of the legislature, or organized under the general legislation. A village is a clearly defined municipality and provides a variety of municipal services, such as potable water, sewage, police and fire services, garbage collection, street lighting and maintenance, management of cemeteries, and building code enforcement. Other municipal services not provided by the village are provided by the parent town. Incorporated villages in Vermont are administratively similar to villages in New York. Vermont is the only state in New England that has incorporated villages.

As of 2024, there are 30 incorporated villages with active governments in Vermont. Historically, there were more but most have since disincorporated, while others were chartered as cities. Below is a list of incorporated villages that have existed, ordered by date of incorporation. Extant villages are bolded.

VillageParent townDate incorporatedCurrent status
Middlebury Middlebury 1816/1832disincorporated 1955/1966
Montpelier Montpelier 1818chartered as city in 1894
Brattleboro Brattleboro 1832disincorporated 1927
Windsor Windsor 1832disincorporated 1967
Bellows Falls Rockingham 1833incorporated village
Springfield Center Springfield 1835disincorporated ?
Woodstock Woodstock 1836incorporated village
Rutland Rutland 1847chartered as city in 1892
Castleton Castleton 1849Incorporation rejected by voters
Bennington Bennington 1849disincorporated 1967/1970
St. Johnsbury St. Johnsbury 1852disincorporated 1965
West Poultney Poultney 1852Incorporation rejected by voters
Northfield Northfield 1855disincorporated 2014
Wilmington Wilmington 1855disincorporated 1959/1965
St. Albans St. Albans 1859chartered as city in 1896
Newport Newport 1862chartered as city in 1917
Fair Haven Fair Haven 1865disincorporated 1955
Cabot Cabot 1866disincorporated 2010
North Bennington Bennington 1866incorporated village
Winooski Colchester 1866chartered as city in 1921
Ludlow Ludlow 1866incorporated village
Springfield Springfield 1866disincorporated 1947
Plainfield Plainfield 1867disincorporated 1984
Benson Benson 1869Incorporation rejected by voters
Danby Danby 1874Incorporation rejected by voters
Barton Barton 1874incorporated village
North Troy Troy 1876incorporated village
Richford Richford 1878disincorporated 1998
Orleans Barton 1878incorporated village
Randolph Randolph 1880disincorporated 1984
Lyndonville Lyndon 1880disincorporated 2023 [4]
Waterbury Waterbury 1882disincorporated 2018
Proctor Proctor 1884disincorporated 1967
Barre Barre 1886chartered as city in 1894
Enosburg Falls Enosburgh 1886incorporated village
Bristol Bristol 1886/1903disincorporated 1994
Brandon Brandon 1888disincorporated ?
Wells River Newbury 1888incorporated village
Swanton Swanton 1888incorporated village
Bradford Bradford 1890disincorporated 2004
Morrisville Morristown 1890incorporated village
Hardwick Hardwick 1890disincorporated 1988
Readsboro Readsboro 1892disincorporated 1986
Essex Junction Essex 1892chartered as city in 2022
Johnson Johnson 1894incorporated village
West Derby Derby 1894consolidated with Newport 1917
Hyde Park Hyde Park 1895incorporated village
Stowe Stowe 1895disincorporated 1996
Lyndon Center Lyndon 1896disincorporated
Jeffersonville Cambridge 1896incorporated village
Newbury Newbury 1896/1904incorporated village
Derby Center Derby 1898incorporated village
Derby Line Derby 1898incorporated village
Hinesburg Hinesburg 1898Incorporation rejected by voters
Lyndon Corner Lyndon 1899/1917disincorporated 1951
Island Pond Brighton 1900Incorporation rejected by voters
Milton Milton 1900disincorporated 2003
Manchester Manchester 1900incorporated village
Old Bennington Bennington 1900incorporated village
Richmond Richmond 1903disincorporated 1989
West Concord Concord 1902Incorporation rejected by voters
West Burke Burke 1902incorporated village
Chester Chester 1900/1906disincorporated 1967
Concord Concord 1904disincorporated 1969
Cambridge Cambridge 1904incorporated village
Glover Glover 1905disincorporated 1973
Jacksonville Whitingham 1904incorporated village
Poultney Poultney 1904incorporated village
Saxtons River Rockingham 1905incorporated village
Groton Groton 1907inactive since 1965
Newfane Newfane 1906incorporated village
Proctorsville Cavendish 1907disincorporated 1987
Westminster Westminster 1907incorporated village
South Royalton Royalton 1908disincorporated ?
Halifax Halifax 1908Incorporation rejected by voters
Newport Center Newport 1908disincorporated 1931
South Ryegate Ryegate 1908disincorporated
West Glover Glover 1910disincorporated 1973
Marshfield Marshfield 1910incorporated village
Pittsford Pittsford 1912disincorporated 1988
Albany Albany 1915incorporated village
South Shaftsbury Shaftsbury 1915Incorporation rejected by voters
Alburgh Alburgh 1916incorporated village
Townshend Townshend 1916inactive since 1961
West Barnet Barnet 1922disincorporated 1961
North Westminster Westminster 1925disincorporated 2010
Perkinsville Weathersfield 1928disincorporated 2020?
Jericho Jericho 1933incorporated village
Essex Center Essex 1949disincorporated 1977
Binghamville Fletcher

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South Burlington is a city in Chittenden County, Vermont, United States. Along with neighboring Burlington, it is a principal city of the Burlington metropolitan area. As of the 2020 U.S. census, the population was 20,292, making it the second largest city in Vermont. It is home to the headquarters of Ben & Jerry's and the state of Vermont's largest mall, the University Mall.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Newport (town), Vermont</span> Town in Vermont, United States

Newport is a town in Orleans County, Vermont, United States. The population was 1,526 at the 2020 census. The town is referred to by the United States Postal Service and the media as Newport Center, the name of the main settlement of the town. Newport is also the name of neighboring Newport City.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Barre (town), Vermont</span> Town in Vermont, United States

Barre is a town in Washington County, Vermont, United States. The population was 7,923 at the 2020 census, making it the 3rd largest municipality in Washington County and the 16th largest municipality in Vermont. Popularly referred to as "Barre Town", the town of Barre almost completely surrounds "Barre City", which is a separate municipality. The original town now known as Barre was first chartered in 1780 as the Town of Wildersburgh. In 1793 the name Wildersburgh was unpopular with the inhabitants and the name of the town was changed to Barre. In 1895 the City of Barre was incorporated and separated from the town of Barre, and both continue to exist as separate municipalities.

A census-designated place (CDP) is a concentration of population defined by the United States Census Bureau for statistical purposes only.

A minor civil division (MCD) is a term used by the United States Census Bureau for primary governmental and/or administrative divisions of a county or county-equivalent, typically a municipal government such as a city, town, or civil township. MCDs are used for statistical purposes by the Census Bureau, and do not necessarily represent the primary form of local government. They range from non-governing geographical survey areas to municipalities with weak or strong powers of self-government. Some states with large unincorporated areas give substantial powers to counties; others have smaller or larger incorporated entities with governmental powers that are smaller than the MCD level chosen by the Census.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Waterbury, Vermont</span> Town in Vermont, United States

Waterbury is a town in Washington County in central Vermont, United States. Although the town is still home to the Waterbury Village Historic District, the village sharing the name of the town officially dissolved as a municipality in 2018. As of the 2020 census, the population was 5,331.

A civil township is a widely used unit of local government in the United States that is subordinate to a county, most often in the northern and midwestern parts of the country. The term town is used in New England, New York, as well as Wisconsin to refer to the equivalent of the civil township in these states; Minnesota uses "town" officially but often uses it and "township" interchangeably. Specific responsibilities and the degree of autonomy vary in each state. Civil townships are distinct from survey townships, but in states that have both, the boundaries often coincide and may completely geographically subdivide a county. The U.S. Census Bureau classifies civil townships as minor civil divisions. Currently, there are 20 states with civil townships.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Administrative divisions of New York (state)</span>

The administrative divisions of New York are the various units of government that provide local services in the U.S. State of New York. The state is divided into boroughs, counties, cities, towns, and villages. They are municipal corporations, chartered (created) by the New York State Legislature, as under the New York State Constitution the only body that can create governmental units is the state. All of them have their own governments, sometimes with no paid employees, that provide local services. Centers of population that are not incorporated and have no government or local services are designated hamlets. Whether a municipality is defined as a borough, city, town, or village is determined not by population or land area, but rather on the form of government selected by the residents and approved by the New York State Legislature. Each type of local government is granted specific home rule powers by the New York State Constitution. There are still occasional changes as a village becomes a city, or a village dissolves, each of which requires legislative action. New York also has various corporate entities that provide local services and have their own administrative structures (governments), such as school and fire districts. These are not found in all counties.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cabot, Vermont</span> Town in Vermont, United States

Cabot is a New England town located in the northeast corner of Washington County, Vermont, United States. The population was 1,443 at the 2020 census. It contains the unincorporated villages of Cabot Village, Cabot Plains, South Cabot, East Cabot, Molly's Pond, and Lower Cabot. Cabot contains several ponds and dairy farms. It is the location of the Cabot Creamery, a producer and national distributor of dairy products, especially known for their cheddar cheese.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">New England town</span> Unit of government in New England, US

The town is the basic unit of local government and local division of state authority in the six New England states. Most other U.S. states lack a direct counterpart to the New England town. New England towns overlay the entire area of a state, similar to civil townships in other states where they exist, but they are fully functioning municipal corporations, possessing powers similar to cities and counties in other states. New Jersey's system of equally powerful townships, boroughs, towns, and cities is the system which is most similar to that of New England. New England towns are often governed by a town meeting, an assembly of eligible town residents. The great majority of municipal corporations in New England are based on the town model; there, statutory forms based on the concept of a compact populated place are uncommon, though elsewhere in the U.S. they are prevalent. County government in New England states is typically weak at best, and in some states nonexistent. Connecticut, for example, has no county governments, nor does Rhode Island. Both of those states retain counties only as geographic subdivisions with no governmental authority, while Massachusetts has abolished eight of fourteen county governments so far. Counties serve mostly as dividing lines for the states' judicial systems and some other state services in the southern New England states, while providing varying services in the more sparsely populated three northern New England states.

The Berlin Micropolitan Statistical Area is the core-based statistical area centered on the urban cluster associated with the city Berlin, New Hampshire, in the United States. As defined by the Office of Management and Budget using counties as building blocks, the area consists of two counties – Coös County in New Hampshire, which contains the city of Berlin, and the adjacent Essex County in Vermont.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Averys Gore, Vermont</span> Unincorporated parcel of land in Essex County, Vermont, United States

Averys Gore is a gore located in Essex County, Vermont, United States.

A Vermont municipality is a particular type of New England municipality. It is the basic unit of local government.


See also


  1. "Population and Housing Occupancy Status: 2010 - State -- County Subdivision, 2010 Census Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File". U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved March 23, 2011.[ dead link ]
  2. "United States Census" . Retrieved November 14, 2021.
  3. "United States Census".
  4. WCAX News Team (June 24, 2023). "Lyndon begins merger process". Gray Television, Inc. Retrieved August 10, 2023.